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lina + lola = the blind leading the blind

For the first time in her life Lola was content, actually content couldn't even touch how she felt neither could happy although she didn't actually know of a word stronger than happy but if she did know one that's how she would be feeling. She spent most of her time with thomas, and the time she wasn't with him she was thinking about his.

she'd wake up next to him most mornings and if she didn't she'd roll over onto his side of the bed and take a minute to reflect on her life, then she'd wake up charlie a stupid fucking smile plastered on her face as she did so.

they'd eat breakfast together, she'd dress him and care for him then do a few of her jobs whist he took his nap. she'd spend her work hours with Lina who she had grown even closer to over the past few months, sometimes she pop into his office in the middle of the day smiling at him as she sat usually in a comfortable silence as she admired him whist he worked enjoying his comforting presence.

Every evening Thomas, Lola and Charlie would eat together like a small family, Thomas would put his son to bed each night something that lola adored about the man, it was hard to find any man of the time who would deal with their own child as much as he did.

And after the boy was in bed the couple would retire to one of the rooms in his big house to share a bottle of something or other between them, he'd listen to her day and she'd listen to his even though hers were always the same and he didn't have much new business going on.

and when they were done he'd take her to his bed and show her how much he loved her even if he wasn't ready to verbalise the words.


"slow the fuck down" Lola spoke as she wiped down the table looking at lina as she swept the floor the woman had just hurried in and picked up the brush abruptly joining the woman in her work, lina was literally bouncing off the walls in a mix of anxiety and excitement.

"i'm getting married!" she spoke excitedly although her eyes told a massively different story.

"you are!?! and you're sure you want that?" lola didn't mean it to come off in any sort of way but the woman didn't sound so sure.

"of course i do! it's just all so fast i don't know, i'm scared" the woman rambled, it had been a few weeks since lola and tommy had stayed in london and her best friend had been spending all her time with her new boyfriend Edward, she'd met his family and everything but they certainly hadn't been together that long...would lola agree to marry thomas this soon?

"then if you're happy i'll be standing right next to you" lola beamed speaking again "like not literally because i'm not marrying you but you know what i mean"

the couple had been together for about five months now even less time than tommy and lola had.

"i love you" lina looked at the woman in front of her "now tell me why you haven't traded in your rags for riches?" she inquired looking at lola, the new appointed 'lady of the house'.

"i love you too" lola smiled thinking about the question "i won't be some sort of kept girl, i like my job, truly i do i like taking care of things you know?"

"you know what me too it's quite nice working with someone i actually like"

"yes which means you can't leave when you're mrs edward...wait what's his last name?" lola spoke picking up a decorative paperweight off the dusty table wiping the damp cloth across it.

"Morelli, edward Morelli, you know how hazel married james Morelli, they're cousin jesus lola you're thick as fuck we met him at the wedding at the exact same time literally you introduced us to him?"

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