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"mr shelby" lola called after him as he entered the house, he'd been out hunting with his brothers and their men, something to do with work she wasn't sure but whist he was gone a woman called for him with thick russian accent.

"there's a russian in there waiting for you, she looks mad" the nanny spoke as she chased after the mad child.

it was getting late in the day now and charlie had been in quite the mood all day, not having slept at all throughout the day, currently running wild through the halls "charlie i swear to god" she called crashing into something as she turned the corner "didn't see you there mr shelby" she panicked "charlie's feral today i do apologise" she spoke as the boy ran over hugging his dads leg "keep 'im with you tonight, i'll give you an extra fiver alright" the gangster spoke leaving the woman stunned.

brilliant, sure she adored the child like he was one of her own but a whole night? on the very day he decided to act out? just her luck.

"come on charlie, it's time for your dinner" lola spoke as she finally pulled the small travel bed into her own bedroom as the small boy followed "chocolate" the lad questioned as they walked hand in hand down the stairs "certainly not, you're far too energetic as it is!" they walked into the kitchen, speaking to the chef.

"time for a bath" she called out walking back into the dining room with a bottle of milk for the boy "up you get" she called again, placing the milk down on the table as she lifted the boy exiting the room milk left on the table.

"come on" she sighed drying the boy, she'd taken him to one of the smallest guest room to bathe him far away from the guest room she knew tommy and his conquest to be in, "you're going to behave for me tonight aren't you?" she questioned the boy wrapped in a towel as they headed back to her bedroom, his pyjamas already set out for him.

right where did i put that milk she wondered to herself as charlie began to cry quietly she'd tried to forgo the milk but he'd woken up an hour later tears in his eyes as he looked up at her in her satin night dress, teddy bear in hand with a sigh she picked up the sleepy boy shrugging on her dressing gown exiting the room to grab a new bottle.

"there you go charlie" she passed him the new warm milk as he sat on the counter, teddy bear still clasped in his fat little hand "drink your milk and we can go" she smiled carrying him back and forth like a newborn across the kitchen, a technique that seemed to work wonders on the boy despite his age.

"yes, you're a maid" lola heard as she walked out of the hallways towards the stairs, charlie had just gotten to sleep and she was trying to be quiet "pour us a drink" the russian woman from earlier asked as she stood there, tits out "lola go to bed, this woman is drunk" tommy ordered from beside her grabbing his coat to wrap around her nearly naked body "he will have whiskey and i will have wine" she shrugged off the jacket, slapping tommy across the face.

"with all due respect i've got a sleeping toddler in me fucking arms, get urself a drink, i'm a nurse maid not a bartender" the woman replied the signature innocent smile still glued to her lips, she didn't swear much but she did when she needed to ask with a sleeping charlie in her arms she needed to get him off to bed,  she cradled charlie's head more, the noise begging to wake him.

"normally if there's a call after midnight the maid who comes in is in love with the master" she stalked over to the woman who was trying to slip up the stairs "are you in love" she spoke looking at the young woman with the child in her arms "coming downstairs in your sleep dress in your masters house, either you're a whore" she paused looking back at tommy "or you're in love with him" she shouted now startling the boy.

"please lola, go to bed" he whispered looking up at the woman she looked completely out of it, no doubt tiered due to her longer shift, without a word she looked down at the man and began to walk up the stairs.

"you lust after her too" the mad russian spoke within ear shot of lola, the woman spoke with a laugh still loudly speaking as she looked at the man.

when lola finally got back to her room, she placed the sleeping boy down, pacing the room a few times, nights like these, the dramatic ones, the ones where naked russians shout at her, or the ones where she's left to clean up puddles of blood in his fucking office, nights full of screaming and gun shots, times where she'd have to rock the emotional baby back to sleep because his family were downstairs screaming bloody murder, those nights make her want to leave with the baby, move to the county.

he'd fair off better without them, because with all of the love the horror takes over, he'd grown naturally he wouldn't follow in the footsteps of his family, but she couldn't do that could she? he'd have coppers after her, he's a powerful man.

she couldn't sleep that night, she wasn't scared not for her not for charlie not his well being at least, she didn't know how much more she could take of it though the blood stained every time she knelt to the ground to scrub it away, the words of the other maids stuck in her head they didn't like her, they didn't like that she had the good job, she had it the 'easy way' or so they all spoke, she wasn't sure why they didn't like her but from the get go they didn't, perhaps frances had told them of her parents or something she wasn't sure but she knew for a fact they weren't to be trusted.

she wanted more, she had dreams of becoming a midwife although that dream was sure to be nipped in the bud now, she couldn't see a way out.


"morning charlie" she spoke as the toddler began to wake, "suppose we should get you dressed" she spoke doing as she said.

just as she got finished a loud knock was heard at the door, "i'm sorry about last night" the shelby man spoke standing at the door "she was drunk, forget it ever 'appened" he spoke stepping into the room "listen lola, i need you to keep charlie close, we've been crossed alright i'm going away, some men from birmingham are coming, i've sacked some of the staff" he nodded over to the boy.

"you can't trust them" lola spoke whispering slightly "not the maids not the chefs nor the bloody gardeners" she spoke "they gossip, they slander tell their fucking husbands their Neighbours, i wouldn't trust any of them as far as i could throw 'em"

and that was it, he was gone the chaos that had faired started all over again.

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