A meeting with Royals

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The meeting held great significance, nations chose warriors from each respective one and gave them a title the twelve the pinnacles of each nation though at its current state implies right now I was I was fortunate enough to be a part of this group, thanks to my brother's influence and his rigorous training. 

Although I held the lowest rank, number twelve, I played a crucial role in defending humanity. My brother Michael, on the other hand, was ranked number one and is widely regarded as one of the most powerful defenders in the group.

The grand meeting is about to commence in the heart of Novastia, our prosperous nation. I stand here, adorned in my finest royal attire, waiting for my two sisters to join me. Makilah, my beloved twin sister, is wearing a stunning black dress that gracefully drapes over her silhouette.

The long silver boots she has on accentuate her long, slender legs. Her curly hair is styled just like mine, but the Butcher appears to have a life of its own, bouncing with every step she takes. Makilah's most prized possession, a custom-made claymore, is delicately strapped to her back. The beautiful sword has a pure silver guard and an all-black handle, while the blade boasts a deep royal blue color with a hint of silver.

Across from me, Marine, my other sister, stands proud and ready for anything that comes her way. Her long wavy black hair cascades down her back, framing her deep blue eyes. She is adorned in iron-clad armor that has a slight black tint to it, giving her an air of seriousness. Her long sword dangles from her hip, ready for action at a moment's notice.

.Finally, they arrive, and they take one look at me and just sit down. The meeting is thoroughly prepared, and we are all sitting at a round table with a large cloth over it. Michael, my brother, sits down beside me and gives me a serious glare. I can sense his concern, and I know he is worried that I might cause trouble. But this is no time for childish behavior. We are facing a grave threat, and we must all work together to overcome it.

Arthur, the prince of Dragonia, and Cole, the prince of the Azeri, arrived at the meeting, their distinct appearances caught my attention. Arthur was adorned in traditional Dragonia fashion, his robes a vivid combination of red and orange, and his wide wings stretching along his back in a striking display. He had a striking appearance, with dark skin, spiky red hair, and a pair of unique eyes - one bright red, and the other a deep yellow. In contrast, Cole donned a formal black suit, his pale skin, pure golden hair, and ruby eyes betraying his vampiric nature, which granted him immortality.

Upon introducing themselves, Arthur and Cole took a seat and began conversing with Michael, while my sisters kept to themselves, showing little interest in the upcoming meeting. As I waited for the remaining attendees to arrive, I suddenly remembered that Kivana, my future lover, would also be present. Kivana was the sister of Genesis, who was one of the twelve strongest beings and a rival to my brother. Her presence at the meeting was significant, and I hoped she would come alongside her brother.

But as I reminisced about Kivana's beauty, with her long wavy purple hair and dazzling amethyst eyes, I couldn't help but wonder if she even liked me. We became a couple, but only after the god's war, almost two years into the future. Despite my doubts, I hoped she would come, though Michael's letters had warned them of my attendance, which my sisters had told me.

The majority of the attendees arrived, I was still waiting for three more people, but I was surprised by how quickly they mentioned me. Luna was next to arrive, and her mysterious aura and strength had helped me a lot after my brother's death. Her hair was short and split between black and white, with black on the left and white on the right, while her colorless eyes held no pupils, and her skin was light. She wore a long dress with a brown belt, blue and white, with small stars and yellow indent on each sleeve.

Finally, Genesis and Kivana arrived, the latter of whom I had been eagerly anticipating. Genesis had short blue hair and amethyst eyes, wearing a blue vest with a white undershirt and blue pants, and carrying a broadsword with a blue handle and a black one. Kivana wore the same outfit but without any weapons, and her presence sent a thrill through me as the meeting began.

I stood up, feeling the intense gaze of everyone in the room upon me. I took a deep breath, attempting to calm my nerves as I prepared to explain the gravity of the situation to them. It was essential to be cautious about what I revealed without lying because of my curse. I'm not sure if they can handle my revelation or not.

"Starting off, I know my reputation isn't great, but the looming threat is more than just about me and you," I stated.

Arthur looked agitated and grunted. "Just what is it that you, the most useless creature in the world, have come out of your little hole to say?"

"It's the very destruction of our world, the fate of our existence and everyone else's," I continued.

"What are you talking about, Malachi?" Michael asked while sitting up in his chair.

"Heaven itself has come to test our power, a war with the gods will come," I answered.

Michael sat up instantly with a shocked face. "How can you be sure?"

"He was right. How could I explain this to them without revealing my curse? Should I just reveal it now and get it over with, or wait? My curse shouldn't hinder my plan. I'm going to have to reveal at least part of it."

"I've seen the future, or to be more direct, I've lived it," I said.

I started by emphasizing the urgency of the forthcoming threat. Most people appeared to take me seriously, but then Genesis spoke up. He seemed doubtful, almost dismissive of what I had to say. He took a deep breath and stated, "Listen, I don't have time for your childish daydreams. Some of us have responsibilities."

His response caught me off guard. But I knew it was necessary to make him understand the truth. I explained to him that I couldn't lie because of my curse. If I did, I would immediately fall into a deep slumber. I hoped that this would be sufficient to persuade him that what I was saying was factual.

Genesis appeared perplexed by my statement. He looked back at me and asked, "The curse of yours is true?"

I was surprised that he had questioned me, but I didn't let it show. Instead, I calmly replied, "Yes, my curse is genuine. However, I cannot prove it at the moment, as it would only hinder my plans. Depending on how brazen and absurd I am, I could sleep for longer periods."

Michael looked at me with a slight bewilderment. I wasn't sure if he didn't understand what was happening or if it was just my demeanor that threw him off. He seemed taken aback by my words, so I asked them all if they truly didn't believe that I was cursed. Except for my sisters, they all agreed. I was quite sure that the only reason they believed me was because of Makilah.

Arthur made a confused face. "So, are you a prophet now or a madman?"

"This is the truth. I cannot lie; you all know this," I replied.

"He's right, Arthur. I would know he definitely can't lie," Makilah said while looking at me weirdly.

"The fate of our world and what I saw was far more than what you all think. Countless countries fell, and humanity itself was destroyed. Even I..."

"Wait," Michael said, holding out his hand. "Just what happened?"

"It's going to take a long time to fully explain," I replied.

As I explained all the detailed events leading to our defeat and my past death, I hoped they fully grasped the seriousness of the upcoming war. After I finished explaining, they all looked either fearful or concerned.

Kivana looked at me with a strained, almost confused face. "Do you have any idea when they'll attack?"

"If my memory is correct, about a month?" I replied.

She looked thoughtful. "I see. So today."

"What's today?"

Suddenly, I felt a large mana source flare and then heard a loud explosion. Everyone sat up and rushed outside to see what caused it. Heading towards the castle entrance, I started to notice just how familiar the mana felt. It was so familiar that it sent chills down my spine. As I reached the outside, I was met with a flying angel. Its presence made my knees buckle, and its glare brought back even more memories. This was the Archangel Azrael.

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