Feeling Ready

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I looked at Drake and tried my best to divert my attention from the fact that he had his arm draped over my shoulders.

I was stiff as Drake nodded his head enthusiastically at the lady and looked at me. I quicky looked away and swallowed the lump forming in my throat.

I was snapped back to reality when I felt his arm leave my shoulders and my body sagged. I lifted my eyes to find Drake holding two aprons.

He held out the bright orange one with flowers to me and took the pink flower one for himself. I tried to hold in my giggle as I stared at him wearing the pink apron.

Before he could catch me staring again, I looked away and put on my own apron. The corners of my lips lifted up and I found myself feeling slightly nostalgic.

'I miss cooking with mom,' I closed my eyes as my mothers smiling face clouded my vision.

'Yeah, she baked the best cookies,' Liz said with an undertone of sadness.

"Let's get cookin', Luna!" Drake said as he clapped his hands, making me flinch and I grew confused.


Before it hit me. I was the Alpha's mate, that meant that I was the Luna. How overwhelming.

"Y-Yeah," I said in a small voice and smiled the smallest of smiles. I was a Luna and I was going to try my best to act like one.

He didn't even look at me as he started taking out the ingredients for whatever it was that we were making. I honestly didn't care as long as I got to cook for my own happiness.

The smile left my face, my mother's face vanished and I saw none other than Alpha Pedro smiling menacingly at me.

I could never do anything for myself, what made me think that I would be able to do that now?

'Maybe because our family is super nice and our mate is out of this world nice?' Liz said. That kinda made sense, but it was hard to believe.

"So, I was thinking of making some sandwiches for lunch. What do you think?" Drake asked as he put the bread on the counter and glanced at me before plugging in the toaster.

"S-Sounds g-good," I said as I went towards him and watched as he rummaged through the fridge before putting some vegetables on the counter.

"I-I c-can start w-with th-the bread w-while y-you cut th-the v-vegetables," I said as I took the bread and put two slices into the toaster.

"Ok!" He said as he washed the vegetables, took the knife and started cutting them up.

We worked in silence and in an hour or so, we were done. I poured myself a glass of water and sat down on one of the stools.

I had gotten kinda comfortable with Drake. He was so easy to hang out with since I didn't even have to talk and his enthusiasm was overwhelming.

"Well done, Luna! I didn't expect you to be this good at cooking," Drake said as he gave me a thumbs up and I blushed a slightest bit.

"Th-Thank you. Y-You a-are very g-good at it t-too," I said and looked down at my glass. The water was shaking slightly and my eyebrows creased together.

Right then, I smelt my mate and felt my shoulders sagging. Soon enough, he entered the kitchen with a tired look but as soon as he saw me, a smile overtook his face.

"Izzy," he said in a small voice and sat down next to me with a heavy sigh. His eyes became glossy as he stared into space and right after, Drake got up and left the kitchen.

"Did you have fun with Drake?" He said as he stared at me with wide, hopeful eyes and I hurriedly nodded my head.

"Oh," he said as he looked down, his eyes narrowed and I started fiddling with my fingers.

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