Unexpected Turn

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After half an hour of running, we finally got around the border and started running in the East direction.

We just had to keep running until we found the lake near my aunt's place. My happiness was over the top as we ran, but it felt like something was missing and I knew what that was.

Liz ran a little longer before halting and falling to the ground. She had pushed herself to the limit.

We seriously needed a place to rest and some food. Both of which we didn't have. The food we had were some berries and that's it. We needed to hunt.

When that thought crossed my mind, Liz perked up and started sniffing around.

'Who said you would hunt?' I said and she stopped mid-sniff.

'I did,' she said before going back to whatever she was doing.

I let her do what she wanted because it was not like I could hunt. Right then, she picked up a scent of a deer and started to follow it cautiously.

After walking through some distance, she finally saw the deer casually eating grass without a care in the world.

It looked delicious and it had a decent size. Liz couldn't wait to eat it and I couldn't wait to hunt it down.

She crouched down before slowly moving towards it as quietly as possible and hiding behind a bush near the deer.

It looked up when we accidentally rustled the bush but when it couldn't spot us, as we were quiet small and the bush hid us completely, it went back to eating.

Liz crouched in a hunting stance and looked at its neck where she would sink her teeth.

With one last look, she pounced on it and bit into its shoulder. It tried to run but its knees buckled because of our weight and it fell to the grassy ground.

Liz retracted her teeth from its shoulder and sunk them into its neck. After a few attempts to free itself, it fell limp into our mouth.

Without waiting for even a moment longer, she dug into it. It was delicious, and the fact that this was our first ever prey made it even more delicious.


'Did you see how I pounced on it? I was so cool!' Liz said, looking all proud of her first ever hunt.

Honestly, I was proud too, but she was being too much.

We had run away once Liz ate that deer to her heart's content and had found a clearing which gave off weird vibes.

We just walked into the clearing like someone was waiting for us, calling us even and that unnerved me.

I didn't want to be here but couldn't get myself to leave. I had shifted back and was wearing my clothes now as I looked around the clearing, as if waiting for someone or something to jump out of the bushes and kill me.

Out of nowhere, a soft breeze started to blow and brought in all kinds of scents of wild animals.

It was weird how suddenly wind was blowing and it was gradually increasing, blowing my hair everywhere. Suddenly, I felt a presence nearby and that made me snap out of my trance.

I ran back to where I came from. Atleast, I thought I ran back there and when I finally stopped to catch my breathe, I could still feel the same presence lurking in the shadows.

My eyes darted everywhere, to every bush and tree but I saw no one there. I started sweating and I felt like I was stuck to the ground, not being able to move.

This was my worst nightmare ever. I didn't know how I could protect myself in such a situation.

I heard a growl out in the distance, behind the bushes in front of me and my hands started trembling again.

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