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After brushing my teeth, I cracked open the door and peeked outside and looked around the room before exiting.

I spotted neatly folded clothes on the bed and quickly put them on. The outfit consisted of a white button up with light pink trousers and white sneakers.

It felt weird to wear something like this and not to mention, it looked new.

"Isabelle! Come, darling, dinner is ready!" Aunt Karen called and I flinched. She had quite a loud voice.

"C-Coming," I tried to answer, but it wasn't loud enough, so I just went downstairs to see all three of them already seated at the dinner table.

I blushed and hid my face in my hair. My mouth formed a pout as I wringed my fingers together and just stood in the doorway.

Bennett and Leah argued playfully and aunt Karen watched them, laughing occasionally. They truly looked like a happy and complete family.

I was just a spectator, peeking into their family time. I watched as aunt Karen fixed Leah's hair, lecturing her to brush her hair. I subconsciously fixed my hair.

Watching them, my heart ached and longed to experience the love of my mother, just one more time.

I remember that whenever I got hurt, she would caress my cheek and tell me that I needed to be brave and told me to smile my cute little smile.

"Isabelle, come sit, darling," aunt Karen interrupted my thoughts and I nodded and took a seat beside Leah with Bennett opposite us.

I took a deep breathe and my nose filled with a heavenly scent. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeper before someone tapped my shoulder.

Startled, I opened my eyes to see Leah giggling while handing me a plate filled with some kind of pasta, Bennett trying to hold in his laughter and aunt Karen looking at me with pity.

I took the plate from Leah and thanked her before looking down. My eyes watered but I wasn't about to show weakness to anyone.

I sucked back my tears and picked up a fork before taking a bite, although hesitantly. My eyes widened.

It. Was. Delicious! And I don't think it has anything to do with the fact that I haven't eaten a proper meal since my parents died.

I ate the first plate and was still hungry but didn't ask for more. I was already being a burden.

"Isabelle, do you want more?" my aunt asked and I was tempted to say 'yes' but I shook my head 'no'.

"I-I'll j-just go a-and r-rest now, i-if th-that's ok," I said, avoiding eye contact until I heard a 'yes'.

I stood up, thanked them for the food and left to the room they had given to me.

Upon entering, my heart felt heavy. Seeing them laughing and smiling so effortlessly had me being envious of them.

Of course, I saw my pack members doing the same, but they treated me like an outcast, but here, it felt like I was there and not there at the same time.

They were a family while I was an outsider, an intruder who didn't deserve to be here and laughing alongside them.

I sighed and went towards the cozy looking bed, but I hesitated to enter.

I lifted the blanket from one side and felt more attracted to the bed than I was before. It felt like it was calling to me in the most sweetest of whispers which you could and couldn't hear.

I didn't hesitate after that and climbed in before pulling the blanket on myself. It was the softest surface I had ever felt in my entire life.

At that thought, I felt so cheap and pitiful because my aunt wasn't rich or anything. I stopped myself from dwelling over it for much longer and closed my eyes to sleep.

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