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"okay, this is finally happening" ava shrieked as she drove herself with jonathan and darcy out of the city 

"i know" jonathan exclaimed 

"i've only ever dreamt of this" darcy exaggerated 

the rest of the 4 hour drive was filled with laughs, snacks, singalongs and gossip. this drive made them closer if that was even possible 

"hey, you two" ava started while driving "what's your point of view of how we first met? i wanna know" 

"i don't know" jonathan trailed off 

"i remember-" darcy started "i met you first, ava. you were on your bike" she chuckled remembring the night "and i was running away from my parents because i was pissed at them that they made me come to a new city with them" 

"and you just stopped me" ava continued for darcy as the latter was preoccupied with laughter "demanded me i give you a lift to the nearest train station" 

"instead" darcy continued "you took me to a mcdonald's and i told you practically everything about myself" she laughed "and i met jonathan at this bookstore, he reached for the last copy of my favourite book" darcy expressed her anger 

"hey" jonathan spoke "it's not my fault i am faster than you" he chuckled "but yeah. you know for a moment there i thought we were actually gonna have a whole enemies to lovers shit" he laughed 

"yeah, shane would've loved that" darcy refrenced to her then boyfriend "but we're friends now and it's great" 

"really is" he smiled 

"yeah" ava followed "jonathan?" she asked 

"fine" he chuckled "i met you when we were in kindergarten, you were the only girl playing football and you hit me with the ball in my fucking eye" he laughed 

"that my friend, was on purpose" she laughed 

"yeah but you did visit me at the hospital and gave me flowers so that's fine" 

"so we only have one room, the three of us are gonna have to manage" ava held up the room key 

"it's okay, i'll just sleep in the car" jonathan suggested 

"you kidding me? absolutely not. nobody sleeps in the car" the three made their way to the room, it was a single floor, cheap motel "it's not gonna be that bad"

"yeah it's bad" ava said looking at the situation of the room 

"it's just a few hours, we'll manage" darcy said jumping on the bed as jonathan followed suite. 

ava chuckled at the two before she set her coat down and sat at the single chair in the room when her phone rang 

"hey, loser"

"regina, what's up?"

"i need your help" 

"what happened? if it's study related i am not free untill-"

"bah bah. you really think i am studying? talk about expectations" 

"what is it about?" ava chuckled 

"i am playing that video game that you love so much" regina paused "grand theft auto five" 

"what?" ava chuckled in amusement "how do you know i like GTA five?"

"you post about it all the time" regina stated it like an obvious fact 

"but you don't follow me on any social media" 

"wha- yeah i do" regina panicked 

"yeah?" ava knew she was lying "why are you playing thatbgame? i thought you hated video games?" 

"i still do, i just needed to distract myself" regina sighed "are you gonna help me or not? how do you use the controls?"  

"fine fine" ava chuckled "i am pretty sure the controls are right on the screen" taking her laptop out as she walked back inside her car's backseat, setting up the game 

"i don't see them" 

"alright, let's see" 

ava spent the next couple hours or so explaining the controls and tactics of the game to regin over the phone. 

"can't i just shoot them?" regina asked 

"you can but that'll just draw more attention, you can sneak up behind each of the people and take them out by hand" 

"i am gonna shoot them" regina declared making ava chuckle 

"alright" regina said "guess i'll see you tomorrow" 

"i don't know, i am not gonna be at school tomorrow" ava informed 


"because i'll get back in the cuty around 7 or 8 am" 

"oh" regina said in alow voice and she actually sounded... sad? there's no way 

"yeah" ava said "what's your favourite movie?" she asked 

they spent the next half an hour talking about the movie until Ava fell asleep

"i actually like talking to you"

"y'all ready to hit thep road again?" Ava asked the two who just nodded in response

after a while of uncomfortable silence Ava spoke again

"the funniest thing happened last night" she chuckled "Regina called me last night asking me explain the controls of gta 5 like can you believe her?" she laughed

"right" Jonathan gave a half hearted chuckle

"is it just me or is it like majorly awkward right now?"


"I am fine"

Jonathan and Darcy spoke at the same time

"okay" Ava sighed focusing on the drive once again

question of the chapter (qotc)-

what do you think happened with Darcy and Jonathan on that trip?

out of my league [Regina George]Where stories live. Discover now