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"what" darcy half yelled at the cafeteria table where the trio was sitting "regina george hugged you?" 

"no" ava scoffed trying to brush of the topic 

"you know, ava" jonathan started putting his arm over ava's shoulder "word travels fast at this school and faster if it's about regina geroge" 

"fine yeah she might have closed her body towards mine out of excitement about her result causing me to have a protracted cardiac arrhythmia"

"huh" darcy opened her mouth in cofusion 

"she got nervous" jonathan laughed "ava got nervous when regina-" he barely managed to get it out between his laughs 

"no i wasn't nervous. why would i be nervous?" she avoided all eye contact with the two of her friends 

"wait" sarcy started connecting the dots "do you have a crush on the 'queen bee'?" she air quoted 

"what? that's ridiculous. you're being" ava shook her head in denial, looking for the perfect word "blegh" she stomped out of there 

she did not like regina. not one bit. in fact at this point she might even have started to hate regina and her plastic attitude, the arrogance, the blonde hair that fall so perfectly on her shoulder, the sharp blue eyes that make the world disappear. 

does she like regina? there's no way. 

or so she thought  

see the fact about liking someone like regina george is that you don't want to like her. everybody likes her so you think you're above it all but everybody around you can see it. everybody except you. or in this case, everybody except ava.

"ava" regina called when ava was seen walking out of the doors of the school afterthe last class of the day 

"regina, hey" she said, stopping in her tracks as she stuffed her hands inside her pocket "what's up?" 

"we'll skip today's lesson because i have this thing" regina instructed 

"woah hey" ava chuckled "you don't get to decide when we're skipping or doing okay?" she nodded her head "that's on me to make the call" 

"yeah, whatever. entitled ass" regina sneered "i have a thing i am busy. le'ts just move it to tomorrow, it's sunday anyway" 

"yeah, no way amigo" ava shook her head "i have a thing on sunday" she hinted at the road trip her, jonathan and darcy were going on "when does your 'thing' start?" 

"it interferes with the 'schedule' you made" 

"let's just do the session now? we can go to the chem lab? i am sure mr. cheng won't mind" 

"yeah right" regina scoffed "wait you're being serious?" 

"you got any better ideas? except for you know, skipping" 

so they headed to the chem lab when regina accepted her defeat. the two walked fast, not wanting mr. cheng to leave the room before they reached. 

when they did reach the lab however, regina pulled ava back when she was about to open the door as she told her to hide and keep quiet. regina's hand stayed on ava's arm the two pressed up against the wall trying to listen in

well, regina trying to listen in and ava still processing their close proximity. ava's back was pressed to the wall and regina's front was pressed with ava's

"why are we here, george?" ava whispered 

"why do you think? don't you hear that?" she waited a beat andd ava shrugged in cluelessness "oh god, the sounds? someone is making out" 

"that's ridiculous" ava, in a rush opened the door to the lab and froze in her spot 

regina stood corrected, two people were in fact making out. that wouldn't have been a big deal if the two people weren't the two chem teachers in the school. mr. cheng and ms. taylor were making out right on one of the wooden tables  

"oh no" ava covered her eyes as she hurried to the left then to the right, not sure what to do as the two teachers were equally as tense 

"ava" mr. cheng said taking a deep breath in 

"uh- yea- uh yeah" ava said looking away "i was just- i- can we have the lab for the next 2 hours?" 

"yeah yeah, sure" the two hurried outside, their heads hung low in shame 

"okay" ava turned around a saw regina filmimg the whole thing "for fuck's sake" she snatched regina's phone 

"hey" regina lunged trying to get her phone back "give. it. back" she cornered ava into a corner

"chill" ava deleted the video before she handed the phone back "let's just study, i gotta distract myself" it was nothing less traumatizing than seeing your parents being intimate for ava 

"yeah" regina chuckled as the two walked over to a table and took their notes out "why are you so shaken up? it's just two teachers making out"

"yeah" ava chuckled "let's just go over the rest of the inorganic portion" she opened her notes 

"it's not done yet?" regina sighed resting her head on the table 

"nope" ava fake smiled "c'mon, get up" 

"if i have to" regina rolled her eyes, getting her head up as she shifted closer to the girl 

ava had her body half turned towards regina, her hand rested on the table while the other was on her own thigh. so when regina shifted closer, whos body was turned fully towards the table, regina's arm pressed onto ava's chest 

"okay" ava said, regaining her composure, her cheeks flused, heartbeat off the roof "you know" she took a deep breath as regina's eyes met her's 

"yeah?" regina asked, maybe ava was lost in her eyes too long 

"you" she tried shooting her shot, from a safe distance "i get protracted cardiac arrhythmia whenever i see you" 

regina squinted her eyes in confusion before she decided it must mean something bad and responded 

"i can assure you babe, the feeling's mutual" regina said making ava smirk and then chuckle 

"sure" she smiled nodding, knwong regina did not understand a single word she continued the lesson 

after the lesson regina wasted no time in packing up as she left, leaving ava alone to wonder, did she actually like regina george?  

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ps- I am running out of things to say

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