Y/n future with jake and neytiri

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Well we are back with a information deep drive or character deep drive you can decided on you own on now you wish to take this information. So after chapter 25 and 26 we have seen some change when it comes to Jake and neytiri as parents. After the fall out that happened a few chapters ago it seems like the couple is right now trying to rebuild their relationship with their daughter, after seeing all the pain they had caused her in the past and now future. They know if they don't fix their relationship and bond with you, they will soon be losing out more in your life and soon losing the rest of their kids as well. They also feel left out on how you have a better bond with other adults around you they have taken, over the parenting role that they left emptied. Second they also felt bad for what they have done all those years ago because they missed out, on being with you and now have this time with you.

Right now jake and Neytiri are trying to even have a chance with y/n in the future but they know, if they don't make any improvements on themselves they might lost her forever and not even have her in their future. It had taken some scolding and cold glares from everyone, around to them see their behavior towards y/n isn't good. Now they are rethinking their life choices and hope they will have time for redemption and better relationships that will result in future as well.

Abandoned sully Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ