Chapter 12

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The arrival of other olo'eythans and their families had been getting on everyone but you mostly as these people, were basically the reason you were taken away from your home and called a demon child. It was already enough to deal with Jake and neytiri, along with tonowair and ronal as they had been here longer but you were still distance from them all. Now you were going to deal with more olo'eythans and tshaik and it seems like they haven't, been told you were still alive and well. Knowing this was going to cause future trouble once all the other finally arrive here even the whole clan had their own feelings about this matter so far.

Y/n " ......"

Neteyam " so are you ready to meet the other olo'eythans and tshaiks today"

Y/n " kinda off as last time I remember they don't see me in a good light"

Loak " don't worry we got you big sis we don't let anyone say anything to you"

Yaimi " I don't think my grandfather will allow anyone to speak down on you at all, let's hope Jake and tonowair can make that happen"

Loak " if they can't do that then we will stand up for you"

Y/n " thank you guys you are the best"

Kiri " I hope this meeting goes well I don't want to hear anyone fighting over stupid things"

Y/n " we can't control that sister they will fight about anything and I have a feeling, I will come up in this conversation as everyone wanted me gone thinking I'm a demon child"

Tsyeria " you are no demon y/n you have proven yourself time and time again"

Y/n " thank tsyeira and Kiri"

Spider " every since we meet you life has become fun and I'm in your debt for saving me for my foolish actions"

Y/n "'spider you are not in debt to me you are my friend now along with everyone else"

Rotxo " wow showing kindness and being humble is she always like this yeimi"

Yeimi " yes she been like this since we were five always being nice and helping around, that why she the clan most beloved member"

Y/n " aww you are to nice yeimi"

Spider "let's hope nothing else bad happen and y/n I promise I will stay out of trouble this time around" everyone soon started laughing at spider comment.

Y/n " don't worry about that spider there are times when you can't control if we stay out of trouble or not"

Kiri " yes but let's hope our trouble markers stay out of trouble for one day we don't need anymore times of your risk yourself to save these three dumbs"

Lo'ak " hey we didn't mean all of them they were out to control"

Y/n " okay we can fight about this later now come on we have to make sure everything in order when everyone arrives"

Neteyam " sure we can pull our weight around here and help"

Yeimi " good now let's get to work everyone if we start now everything will be ready upon the arrival of our guest" everyone had nod their heads and soon started helping a round the village, offering their help to move stuff or anything else that was need to be done.

Everyone " ....." soon everyone attention had been stolen when the sound of horn had gone off and soon enough the rest of the olo'eythan and their company had arrived towards the village. All three clan had gather near the center of the village to see the new arrivals and here what will be shared among everyone. You were standing near Yaimi and his family along with your grandmother and siblings.

Tuk " aww I hate how long these greets can take it so boring stay in place all day"

Kiri " Tuk behave yourself"

Tuk " aww kiri I'm bored"

Y/n " Tuk maybe tonight you can spend the night at my home if you like and are a good girl today"

Tuk " really"

Y/n " yes I'm telling the truth"

Tuk " can kiri and Tsyeria come as well"

Kiri " I will love to come with the offer stand to more people"

Y/n " yes you can Tsyeria can come with you both wish but make sure your parents know we don't need any missing kids right now"

Kiri " okay we will ask mom and see what she has to say but she might say yes"

Y/n " cool"the kids soon become quite when the olo'eythans and the tshaiks had started making their way towards, them you were praying deeply that they were not going to do anything bad as right now none of the clans need conflict.

Veo " welcome everyone to our clan we are happy to have you all here today and we hope this can help form new alliances or strengthen alliances as well, my clan will give you aid during your time here and help you around during your stay" veo had soon looked at Jake and nodded his head towards him soon jake and stepped forward, after veo had stepped back toward his mate and family.

Jake " we have all gather here today In hopes for all coming together to fight off the RDA and drive them out of homes, we now have to work with all the clans we can go get rid of these human once and for all and protect our home and way of life" cheers had been heard from the crowd as they we're listening closely to Jake words it seems like they all could agree with Jake words.

Veo " you all will be given this day to rest from your long travel here from your homes you will be given homes to stay on for your stays, if you need any help for anything my fellow clan members will off their help as it had been discussed here and agreed upon" everyone had nodded their heads and soon went on with the rest of the day it seems like you had yet to be discovered by any of the new arrivals which made you happy. Deep down you knew this happiest was mot meet to last forever as with everyone being so close and meeting new people soon or later the news of your being here will come up, and then you will finally meet the adults who decided you faith all those years ago and prove them wrong about you official.

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