Not this shit now! I'd rather roam with blood on my hands than with this, like a sick man.

"Why don't you shove that roll in your mouth? At least that would be the best thing for my hand. I wouldn't have to kill you for your big mouth."

He gulped and took my hands, silently wrapping that bandage.

God! How sick this looks in my hand. I can't roam like this. Nah!

"So, were you really missing Bhabhi? Huh?" He asked again before leaving. I stood from my seat, adjusting my coat, and walked in his direction.

"I... must be going, you know," I raised my brows, and he nodded, leaving hurriedly.

Good for him. Now, no one will bother me. Not my manager, not my annoying brother, no one.

And the door knocked again. 

Fuck! I should lock it. All these assholes are around me only.

"Sir, it's your meeting time with your doctor," Aniket said, peeking from the door.

"Pagar milti hai tumhe ki nahi?"

("Do you get paid or not?")

"Yes sir"

"To ye chugli vala dhandha kyu pakad rakha hai?"

("So why are you involved in this gossip business?")

"Sorry sir" He rubbed the back of his head apologetically.

"No need of apologies. If you want to work for me, stop your side business. And from now on, you aren't allowed to use your phone during office hours. God knows how much you earn for gossiping in that spicy language at my home. Now, get out of here and throw your phone in the dustbin first."

He hesitated but nodded and moved to leave. I leaned to see where he was going.

"Wait! Come here," I called out.

He returned hesitantly.

"Give me your phone," I extended my hand, and he hesitated again. "Give it to me. Don't worry; I'm not interested in reading your goofy texts. There's a dustbin in my cabin; it'll go straight there."

"Sorry, sir."

"Apologies accepted. NOW. GET. OUT."

I closed my eyes, rubbing my temples, and opened my laptop to deal with yet another nuisance—Ma's spy, my doctor.

His unwanted face popped up as soon as I joined the meeting.

"How are you feeling?" he inquired.

"Can't you get straight to the point?" I snapped.

He laughed for a whole damn second. Is he a vampire, monster, or what?

"That was a straight-to-the-point question, Mr. Suryavanshi. I just wanted to know if you've had any recent outbreaks of anger, considering you got married recently."

Why does he have to remind me of my marriage? "Just a while ago..."

"And what triggered that?"

"That's something I'm not supposed to tell you..." I shrugged, gritting my teeth.

"Can we talk like normal people?"

"I'm not speaking an alien language, but sure, you were talking some nonsense. But go on, I've learned that language dealing with it every day."

And he burst out laughing again.

Is he a doctor or an inmate escaped from a mental asylum?

"That's the best thing about having a session with you. You refresh my mood, Mr. Suryavanshi."

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