The Lovely Date. Until...

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Me: The newly born couple was having a beautiful date. Alastor and Lucifer were laughing and giggling about past stories. They were having a wonderful time. Then Lucifer asks Alastor something.

LU: Hey, Al.

AL: Yes?

LU: I don't know what you are going to say to this question but I have a question for you.

AL: I'm listening.

LU: ( gets on one knee) Are you willing to be a second father to Charlie for the rest of your afterlife?

AL: Oh my Satan. Luci. Yes. A thousand times yes!

LU: Oh thank God! I was hoping for you to say that. I love you, Alastor.

AL: I love you too, Lucifer.

Me: The couple kiss. The people around them start to cheer and scream for the new lover for Lucifer. The couple start to laugh and thank them for the happiness shared. That was until someone ,that was warned more than once, appears in the restaurant.

AL: What the hell are you doing here for, Vox?

VO: Why don't you ever fucking die?!

AL: Unlike you, I have someone who cares for me. And I don't want to have anything to deal with you. I will never be with you. Or even shed blood for you. EVER!

LH: I don't think so.

LU: What the fuck did I just FUCKING say about being near me?

LH: I have the right to see my daughter. Including her father.

AL: Last time I heard is that you were band from the hotel.

LU: Yeah. I did band your dumbass.

SK: Last time I checked you were band from heaven.

LU: Who the fuck are you?

AL: An assassin.

SK: I knew that the Radio Demon would know. Now it's time to-



AL: I.M.P.

BØ: Not now. Why the fuck are you trying to get the fucking KING OF HELL killed? I thought you were more on the blue bloods. Not the gold bloods.

SK: Blitz. Why do you somehow be in the same area as me, you fucking cunt?

BØ: Oh! I'm the cunt?! Says the one who tried to kill a fucking owl and now the FUCKING KING OF HELL?! HIS DAUGHTER IS BETTER THAN YOUR DUMBASS! AND SHE IS NOT DOING A GREAT JOB! No offense. (To Lucifer)

LU: None taken.

Me: A gun shot was heard from a distance.

LU: What the fuck was that?

AL: That came from the hotel.

LU&AL: Charlie?!

SK: You now hear it? It was about time he pulls the trigger.

AL: Lu, where did Vox go?

LU: He went for Charlie while we distracted by this little cunt and this imp. And my ex wife.

Me: Many other gun shots were heard from a distance. Then Alastor and Lucifer run as fast as they could but they saw something that they were hoping not to see.

LU: CHARLIE!!! Charlie please my daughter, wake up! CHARLIE!!!


Me: What they saw was Charlie on the floor bleeding while Volastor was crying over her. He didn't know what to do but cry. He looked up at Alastor was also very pissed to see that his other father, Vox, was the reason why she is hurt.

TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why Alastor hates Vox: Angst pt2Where stories live. Discover now