Chapter 24 - Sewn in Love

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Hannah gnawed away at her lip while she watched the clock count itself down to two o'clock.
The day had absolutely dragged!
As Mel kept telling Greg, his little assumption of them having an easy time of it had jinxed them. No sooner had it hit ten o'clock they were inundated with emails from people who were backdating forgotten about expenses and needed them approved before payday, which was in two days' time.
While she preferred to be busy, she would have appreciated a quiet day thanks to her overwhelming excitement for her dress fitting.
She didn't know what to expect when she went to find her dress, but knew she was going to have to avoid looking at the prices.
In her mind, she imagined herself wearing a figure hugging, backless dress... possibly in blue? Or maybe red. She couldn't decide, but it would be sparkly and sophisticated with a plunge neckline, but not too much plunge. Just enough to flatter her.
Her distracted mind didn't want to focus on her workload at all, causing her to make some mistakes that Greg pointed out to her. He'd had to come over a lot to check if she was OK because she was fidgeting in her seat so much.
Ethan had messaged her that Una already had her dress fitting, but the singer was going to come along to help give more of an insight on what to expect for the evening along with moral support.
Lisa had also agreed to come, under the condition that she would facetime Mum and Dad while they were at the appointment to get their input.
The shop they were going to was located in Mayfair, called Sewn in Love. Ethan had told her that was the go-to place for those attending the Gala if people didn't have a designer to make a one of a kind dress for them.
She did feel a jab of disappointment that she was doing it so last minute. The idea of a newly designed dress that was original just for her sounded perfect and even more exciting.
She had given up trying to focus on work when it hit quarter to two. The anticipation was killing her, and she just couldn't wait any longer.
Mel eyed her from her desk, tutting and taking off her glasses.
"Girl, just go! You're making me feel uncomfortable just seeing you watching the clock!" She quipped, rolling her eyes and picking up her coffee cup.
"Sorry! I can't help it! I haven't been to a dress fitting since my prom." She explained twitchily.
Greg huffed a laugh at her. "I remember when my daughter got her wedding dress fitted. She was determined to take me with her. Was the most boring yet fantastic day of my life."
"Why would that be boring?!" Mel argued. "Your little girl was getting her wedding dress! It's the biggest day of a girls life."
"There was a hell of a lot of sitting around." He shrugged.
Hannah giggled and got to her feet, picking up her bag as she went.
"You don't mind, do you, Greg?" She asked awkwardly.
"For fuck sake, just go!" He laughed. "You covered two extra hours this morning. It's fine!"
She cast him a grateful smile and rushed out of the office, thankful for the friends she had in her life.
She bundled into the lift and pressed the button, watching the doors close and bouncing on her toes.
She felt like a teenager again. She remembered the day she'd gone to get her prom dress like it was yesterday.
It had been a fifties style, purple dress with petticoats. She had styled her hair like a fifties pin-up girl for that evening and had danced away with her secondary school friends at the time.
The doors slid open, and she quickly marched towards the exit, waving at Steve to say goodbye while also checking that she had everything in her bag.
Steve tried to speak to her and stop her going outside without him, but didn't get to her in time.
No sooner had she managed to open the door and step outside that a huge commotion erupted, nearly bursting her eardrums in the process.
"Hannah! Over here!"
"Hannah, how did you and Ethan meet?"
She blinked as she was blinded by flashes going off all around her. Dark shadows were gathering closer and invading her personal space. She couldn't make out their faces for the cameras that hid their faces.
The questions disorientated her because they came from all directions, and she didn't know where to look.
"Hannah, what's it like dating the richest man in the world?"
She gasped as she took a step back, her ankle hitting the step behind her, and she began to stumble backwards.
Strong arms caught her, and an authoritative voice boomed over the nosey reporters.
"No more questions!"
Before she could work out who the voice belonged to, she was gently lifted back to her feet and guided through the swarm of reporters towards a black Rolls Royce parked at the roadside.
She didn't have a chance to realise it was Steve guiding her nor take in what was happening. She soon forgot what she was trying to decipher when she saw Ethan open the car door from inside and hold it open for her to get in.
Steve had given him a call and tipped him off that he'd seen some reporters loitering around outside the office, so, knowing she would be leaving at two, he'd made sure to be there waiting for her.
She wasted no time, rushing forward so Steve no longer had to push her along, and she almost threw herself into Ethan's arms.
Immediately, he surrounded her like a warm blanket on a cold night. She felt comforted and safe in his embrace.
"It's OK. I've got you." He whispered, holding her close as Steve shut the door for them, and the car began to move off.
"Ethan..." she gasped into his chest, not wanting to move. "What the hell happened?!"
"They worked out where you work." He replied sourly. "You were lucky yesterday, but they seem to have cottoned on that you were leaving the building at some point in the day."
"But why are they following me? They didn't yesterday! I was fine yesterday." She pulled back slightly to look at him.
Her eyes were brimming with tears, and she was shaking. She was scared that they had found where she worked and were barricading the entrance waiting for her like vultures.
He scrunched up his face in guilt. He never wanted her to feel scared. He leaned forward and planted a consoling kiss on her forehead.
"I'm so sorry, baby." He whispered, leaning his chin on the top of her head as he held her closer, his own eyes tearing up that him being himself in public was causing her so much hassle. "I'm so sorry! You know when you said that you wished you'd met me earlier? That's exactly what I wish right now."
She sniffed against his chest. "Why do you say that?"
"Because before... her, this was never an issue. I was blissfully left alone. I'd only have photos taken at events... actually, I doubt I'd even be going to these damn events if it wasn't for her!"
She slowly sat herself up, gazing at him with pity. He gave her a miserable look back.
"You see, they don't care that I'm the richest man in the world." He said in a hollow voice. "To them, I'm the richest man in the world who was publicly humiliated and laughed at because I couldn't keep a girl."
"Ethan -" she started to say, but he cut her off.
"I knew as soon as I tried to move on, they would want to start shit up all over again!" He snarled venomously. "I never should have agreed to this!"
She immediately grabbed his face with her hands and pulled him into a kiss, one which she hoped translate to him that she was going to be there. No matter how scared she was. No matter what the press did. No matter what, she was going to stay with him. She loved him!
He melted into her kiss, feeling relieved that, while this may terrify her, she wasn't pushing him away, and she was still willing to continue. He loved her and would give her the world just to see her smile.
It infuriated him that his riches weren't enough to avoid the shit the media was causing her! What was the point of being this wealthy if he couldn't use it to buy any fucking privacy?!
Oh, how he hated Bianca so much!
It had been seven years since their split, and she still periodically brought up his name in the tabloids.
It didn't help that Martin had been keeping tabs on when she dragged out his name and kick-started this whole 'will they, won't they' bullshit!
He noticed it happened whenever the newly released movies or television programmes didn't have her name included in the credits. Unfortunately for them, she hadn't been included in any movie for the past two years, so she must be getting low on funds and needed the money by selling lies.
If she was actively seeking to speak to him, she must have become desperate.
He was a fool to ever think she had seen him as anything more than a blank cheque book!
At the same time, it made him value Hannah even more. He never wanted to lose someone so precious and rare. He'd never be able to cope if he had to say goodbye to Hannah and Bea again.
He moved his kisses across her jawline and nuzzled into the crook of her neck.
"We won't go on Thursday." He whispered defeatedly. "We will have a night around your mum and dad's instead."
"No." She pulled back and looked him dead in the eye with determination. "No, we will be going, and we will see this through."
He scrunched his face up in dismay. He had hoped she'd agree with him, but she still wanted to go.
"This is only temporary." She whispered, caressing his cheek. "You've been seen with someone new, and they're thinking I'll be as attention starved as Bianca..." A small smirk lifted her mouth. "They're soon going to become thoroughly disappointed when they learn that I like to fall into boring, repetitive routines."
A tiny smile broke through his misery.
"I hope it is only temporary."
"We're about to arrive." The driver called back over his shoulder, and Hannah frowned when she recognised the voice.
"Thanks, mate." Ethan said back, looking back at her, but she was staring at the back of the drivers head.
"Martin?" She gasped.
Martin laughed. "The one and only! What? Did you really think he would allow a stranger to drive you to your destinations?"
She laughed and shook her head. "You two are joined at the hip, honestly."
"Tell me about it! I'm hoping to pass the baton onto you one day." Martin grinned back through the windscreen mirror.
"I'll pass thanks, I prefer my independence."
"Oh, thanks!" Ethan snapped back sarcastically. "My own girlfriend doesn't want to be with me."
"Only in small doses." She smirked, lifting her finger and thumb close together. "If I'm around you all the time, you'd get sick of me."
"Never." He whispered back, pulling her close and beginning to kiss her again.
"Hey hey hey! I haven't got plastic sheeting down! No hanky panky!" Martin protested, parking the car in an alley way and getting out. He opened the door on Ethan's side. "Come on, Cinderella. Your fairy godmother is waiting to do your dress."

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