Chapter 18 - Harrods

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Una left the bedroom first, grinning at Ethan like her dreams had come true in there.
"She looks amazing, Ethan. Even if I do say so myself."
He chuckled and hugged her. "Thank you for coming to the rescue."
"Thank you for keeping your promise." She whispered before pulling away.
She eyed the four security guards dressed in black suit jackets, black collared shirts, and black jeans, complete with each of them wearing an ear piece.
"Liam is really pulling out all the stops here. You guys better be prepared for this."
One guard nodded. "We are ma'am."
She smiled at them before patting Ethan's arm. "Let me know later how it went. Good luck!"
The guards parted for her to pass through before the bedroom opened up again, and Hannah emerged.
To Ethan, she looked like an angel! The clothes gave her a mouthwatering hourglass shape, and the jean jacket made her eyes pop, as well as giving her class and a little attitude.
"You just keep getting all the more stunning!"
His lips stretched into a wide grin at the result. She blushed at his compliment.
"Sorry, I was just checking makeup and hair. Decided to keep it natural because if you're seen with a flawless look first, you'll end up being branded an alcoholic when you're seen without it."
He chuckled in surprise. "Oh, how true that is. You're clever to work out the tricks of the trade so quickly. Or is that what Una suggested?"
"Nope." She beamed at him. "Came up with that all by myself."
"Impressive. Right, here's the gentlemen who will be guarding us today. Like I said, two in front, two at the back." He gestured at the men in smart matching uniform.
Hannah smiled warmly at them. "Hi, guys. I'm Hannah. Thank you for helping me survive today."
The men each gave the tiniest smiles at her and nodded. They left as a group for the lift once Hannah had been to collect her phone and keys.
She decided to leave her bag and purse at home, as she didn't have any accessories that would go with her new outfit, but took the bank card in case she wanted to get something, putting it safely in one of her deep pockets.
"They will get us into the limo and then follow in the car behind while we move to our location." Ethan explained as they went down in the lift together, already in formation.
"Where is the location, by the way?" She giggled. "We got so focused in making sure we were prepared for the scary world outside. We forgot to think of where to go!"
"One step ahead of you. We will do a bit of shopping. Get some new clothes for Bea, any toiletries you may need... I did think we'd go back to your house and get your things from there, but there's a good chance we'd get followed, so best avoid that area for now."
"Ahhhh, yes. Alright then." The doors to the lift opened, and they filed out into the foyer.
Hannah could see the street outside heaving with people, and she felt incredibly uncomfortable and anxious. She didn't see anyone with a camera or having a shifty look about them, but then again, she didn't really know the kind of people who took the photos, just those they took pictures of.
"This is it. Stay close to my side and remember, calm and composed. Let me do the talking if we get asked anything. Sadly, the limo is a few spaces down the path, so it's not going to be a straight walk across the path."
She nodded, mentally preparing herself and getting herself focused. Her body was alive with the adrenaline. The fear she knew was only temporary until she got used to it. She just hoped she could give off the impression she wanted to achieve after her chat with Una.
The new outfit helped massively with giving her a newfound confidence. It made her feel sexy and bold. She thought she looked good, and it showed on the outside.
The guards in front of them opened the doors and took the time to look around to assess the area. People began to take notice of the security guards and spotted Ethan and her waiting for their cue.
It was like someone was standing there with a megaphone announcing their arrival. A wave of people began to approach, some even running to get close enough first.
"Alright. Ready?"
The guards led the way down the entrance steps, creating a pathway through the crowd, and suddenly, all she could see were cameras!
Flashes were going off like popcorn, blinding her, and voices started shouting over each other.
"Ethan! Who is this new beauty?"
"Ethan, is this the lady you were spotted with a month ago?"
"How do you feel now Bianca has completed her rehabilitation?"
"Smile for the camera, gorgeous!"
"Are we going to get a kiss?"
She felt disorientated and confused the further they went, her feet carrying her feeling like they were moving on their own. She kept her eyes latched on the back of the security guard in front of her, leaning into Ethan to keep her on track, and so she felt safe.
The photographers were getting so close. They were getting jostled this way, and that as people from further back shoved their way in, trying to get closer.
There was no direct path in front of the guards. Instead, they were wading through the crowd that would close back up after the guards followed them. She imagined it like a shark swimming through a shoal of a million fish, just like she'd seen on a David Attenborough documentary once.
She tried her best not to show she was feeling a little claustrophobic, focusing intently on keeping her face relaxed and calm, while inside she was practically screaming WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!
The limo finally came into view after what felt like ages, but it had only been a few seconds.
The questions were still being fired at them from everywhere around them.
"Will you be attending the charity gala together?"
"How long have you both been seeing each other?"
"What designer is she wearing?"
She immediately remembered her promise and broke her act to turn her head towards the direction the question had come from, although she had no clue who had asked it.
"They're designed by Una Patil. Don't they look gorgeous?!"
Ethans arm tightened around her waist, and she suddenly felt like she'd made a mistake.
She realised Ethan hadn't been replying to any of the questions they'd been throwing at them.
Shit! Had she fucked up?!
Finally the limo door was opened and Ethan allowed her to climb in first while he waved goodbye to the crowd and got in himself, slamming the door shut behind him.
The questions were still being shouted at them through the door, but it was muffled and considerably less noisy and disorientating than being out there in the middle of it all.
Ethan looked at a breathless Hannah, her cheeks pink from exhilaration and her eyes wide with shock.
"Baby?" He soothed, taking her hand and holding it. "Are you ok?"
She slowly raised her head up to see him, still getting to grips with what had just happened.
"I'm sorry!" She wheezed. "I heard the question, and I promised Una I would shout her brand from the rooftops."
He stared at her for a moment and broke into a huge, proud grin.
"Oh baby!" He pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. "You did fantastic! You were a natural! You only answered the question that you felt deserved an answer and it was the most selfless one! I'm so fucking proud of you!"
He kissed her again and she eagerly picked up the intensity. She rolled over and straddled him, her hands burying under the collar of his shirt and pulling him ever closer by his shoulders.
His hands gripped her thighs when she first got in position, but they soon found their way to her behind. He rubbed his hands over it, tempted to pull them off, but the movement of the limousine beginning to move reminded them they weren't exactly alone.
"That was the most exciting moment of my life!" She breathed excitedly as she rested her forehead against his. "It was as intense as you said it was, but it was so exhilarating!"
He chuckled. "The novelty will wear off quickly, trust me!"
"Where shall we go then?" She asked, now eager to see what the day ahead had in store for them.
"Shopping. We're going to Harrods, only because it's expected. Now... I have a favour to ask." He gave her a serious look. "We are being watched, remember? They expect me to be displaying my wealth, so I will be buying a lot! Just this once, tell me what you need, and I'll get it for you."
Her excitement faded, and she began to realise this may have been a bad idea. She wanted to give a good impression. She wanted to be seen as his girlfriend, but also as her own person! Not someone who could be branded as a gold digger. She had been paying her own way for so long now, and this was the moment she would be seen by everyone, and he wanted her to let him treat her! To show that he provides for her!
Her face hardened as she fought with herself, and Ethan began to feel awful for even asking it!
The problem was that he was the richest man in the world. It was expected from him to treat the lady of his life like a queen!
On top of that, it was Harrods! The most expensive shop in the whole of London!
If they saw them going around not buying anything because she couldn't afford it, they'd likely think he was being cruel. He had money to spend, and he wouldn't be seen spending it.
He wanted to honour Hannah's decision to be independent, but he couldn't face the backlash that would cause.
Hannah shook her head finally and climbed off his lap.
"I do need to get a lot." She said quietly with her eyes closed. "We need some clothes for Bea, a swimming costume, I need sanitary bits and her bathroom toiletries... but I want to get them myself."
Ethans face fell, and he was about to beg when she started speaking again.
"However, it is her birthday in a couple of weeks. She's never really had a proper birthday. Due to me barely making it through each month, she's only ever had a few birthday presents, and most of them were off Facebook marketplace." She opened her eyes and looked at him, smiling slightly. "Would you be alright getting her bits for her birthday? She deserves a proper birthday this time, especially after yesterday."
Ethans chest filled with elation at the idea.
"Ohhh, she's going to have the best birthdays ever from now on!" He promised, pulling her back into his lap and starting their heated exchange all over again in happiness.
Unfortunately, they arrived at the infamous store that had a doorman dressed in green waiting for them to enter.
They waited a moment for the guards to get in their positions before the door opened, and Ethan climbed out first, holding out his hand to help Hannah out afterwards.
Hannah stepped out as gracefully as she could and frowned. There weren't any flashing lights or obnoxious shouting. Instead, there was a crowd of curious general public, who were a lot calmer due to being so astonished at seeing them, being held back to allow them easy access to the store.
It didn't take long, though. No sooner had she managed to take in the calmer atmosphere, shouting grew louder from a distance, and the sound of a stampede came from behind them, on the other side of the limousine.
She looked round and around forty men slammed against the limousine, shouting at her and frantically flashing their cameras to get the money shot they needed.
"What's your name?"
"How do you know the richest man in the world?"
"Give her a kiss, Ethan!"
She stared at them in alarm for a split second, remembering too late that she was supposed to be calm and composed.
She relaxed her anxious expression and put on a stoic smile for them, hoping she looked confident and unbothered.
"Hannah." Ethan called, distracting her from the onslaught of flashing lights and questions.
The shouting suddenly increased in intensity.
Ethan groaned at his mistake, breaking the one promise to himself that he'd hold back from revealing her name for as long as possible. He tried to ignore the numberous insults he was giving himself and held out his hand for her to take with a small smile firmly held in place.
She smiled wider at him and took his hand, allowing him to lead her through the open door, the doorman giving her a bow and a polite welcome, and they went inside the huge department store that was... completely empty?!
Hannah blanched after the door had closed behind the guards, who had followed them inside, and spun round to stare at Ethan.
He folded his arms and grinned cockily at her, looking extremely smug with himself.
"Where is everyone?" She gasped.
He chuckled and shrugged. "It's Sunday."
"Riiight... I don't get it. Are they all at church or something?"
He burst out laughing at her blind assumption and put an arm around her, leading her further inside the store.
"They're usually closed on Sundays." He explained, still chortling. "I called ahead and asked for a favour."
Her shock changed, and she gave him a look that showed she couldn't believe he'd do such a thing.
"You brought people in on their day off just because you wanted to go shopping in private?!" She asked in angry disbelief.
His cocky attitude dropped like a stone in water, and he gaped back at her.
"We needed to get some things in for -" He began to explain, but she wasn't hearing it.
"I can't believe you'd do something so selfish!" She cried. "Have you seriously got your head so far up your own arse you can't take into consideration other people?!"
That hurt him more than she had intended to.
He had done this to ensure she would be left alone to shop. He had also put a lot more behind making sure they'd open for them than he'd let on... such as paying the staff who agreed to come in three times more on top of their usual full days wage, from his own pocket.
He had given his contact a call on the sly before bed the night before and gave them the option. It wasn't surprising that the entirety of the staff agreed to come in solely for the three hours they were expected to be there.
As well as that, he knew that Hannah was going to be her usual stubborn self, so had the forethought to hide their actual shopping spree so they'd only see the bags they walked out with, not what they bought.
He remembered when he'd taken Bianca there for the day, and the media had taken the liberty to list every single item they had bought in their articles, along with their prices.
He had to keep his reputation intact, too.
He sighed heavily in defeat and caught a glimpse of the staff waiting to serve them, watching sheepishly.
"I'm not as inconsiderate as you'd think." He replied quietly. "I'm paying them three times what they'd earn on a normal days wage."
"You're paying them?" She double-checked.
He nodded. "From my own pocket. I know they'd much prefer to be at home, but I wanted to try and give you a break after having to deal with that..."
He jabbed his thumb over his shoulder at the reporters who were trying to snap their pictures around the bodyguards' backs.
She arched an eyebrow at the press before looking at the guards and pointing at them.
"What about them? Are you paying them triple, too?"
He glanced back at them exasperatedly before shaking his head.
"No. But I feel I'm gonna have to after the way you've put me on the spot." He grumbled, giving her the side eye.
She narrowed her eyes at him before sighing and bowing her head.
"Ethan, this is ridiculously over the top! This isn't really a realistic representation of what it's like to be with you."
"Actually, I think you'll find it perfectly represents what it's like." He smiled weakly.
"You don't have to impress me!" She sighed desperately. "You don't have to open a whole store just so I don't have to deal with the craziness for a few hours."
He rubbed his forehead, feeling incredibly uncomfortable at their public argument.
There was just no pleasing this woman sometimes!
"Right." He said defeatedly and turned to go into the first department. "You go get what you need. I'll just be getting myself a few things."
He wandered off towards the bookstore department and left her behind, a few store clerks following him so he could purchase when he needed to.
She bit her lip, feeling like she'd been a bit too harsh on him.
At the same time, she felt this was just as bad as him offering to buy her something.
She didn't want special treatment because she was dating him. For the most part, she wanted to try and keep her previous quiet lifestyle as much as she could... at the same time, she knew that would be impossible.
She wanted the crowds that usually flooded the famous store, but not the crowd that was harassing them like earlier.
Could there be a way to find an even balance between the two? Ugh, she was just so torn!
She sighed and gave an apologetic look at the store clerks remaining.
"I'm sorry about all that." She said guiltily. "I'm still getting used to all this."
"It's alright, madam." The store clerk closest to her said softly.
She gave a sad smile at the older woman who was likely missing out on a day with the grandchildren to be there and decided she'd best get what they'd come there to do over and done with.
"Could you take me to where I would find the bathroom toiletries, please?" She relented.

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