Chapter 6: Terrified

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Taylor walked into the studio, her guitar case slung over her shoulder. She was excited to get some more work done on the album with Ava today. Their creative chemistry was undeniable, and Taylor was really starting to vibe with Ava's production style.

"Morning Blondie," Ava greeted her with a smirk, looking up from where she was tinkering with some sound equipment. Taylor felt her cheeks warm slightly at the nickname.

"Hey yourself," Taylor replied, setting down her guitar case. "Ready to get to work?"

Ava pretended to consider it for a moment. "I don't know...I was thinking maybe we could just sit around and stare into each other's eyes all day instead."

Taylor rolled her eyes, but she couldn't hide her smile. "You're ridiculous. Let's focus here, we've got an album to finish."

For the next few hours, they buckled down, Taylor laying down vocal tracks while Ava tweaked levels and experimented with different production elements. The atmosphere was focused but relaxed, the two women completely in tune with each other's creative wavelengths.

During a break, Ava fixed them both cups of coffee, handing one to Taylor with a wink. "So, any plans for tonight?"

Taylor shrugged, taking a sip. "Not really. Probably just a quiet night in."

"Boring," Ava teased. "You should come out with me and the band. It's Kyle's birthday, we're hitting up this new club downtown."

Taylor felt her stomach flip a little at the thought. As much as she wanted to spend more time with Ava outside of the studio, the idea of being seen publicly together made her nervous. What if the paparazzi caught wind of it? What would Joe think?

Seeming to read her hesitation, Ava gave her a reassuring look. "It'll be lowkey, I promise. Just us having fun, no cameras or press allowed."

Taylor wavered. On one hand, the prospect of letting loose and celebrating with Ava was incredibly appealing. But on the other...

"I don't know, Ava," she said carefully. "It might not be the best idea with me still being with Joe and everything."

Ava raised an eyebrow. "What, you can't even go to a club with friends when you're in a relationship?"

"That's not what I..." Taylor trailed off with a sigh. "You know what I mean. People will talk if they see us out together like that."

For a moment, Ava looked almost hurt. Then her expression smoothed over into a shrug. "Okay, your call obviously. Just thought it could be fun."

They returned to the work at hand, but Taylor couldn't shake the slightly strained energy between them now. She snuck glances at Ava as the other woman adjusted knobs and scribbled notes, admiring the line of her jaw and the curve of her shoulders.

Impulsively, Taylor spoke up again. "Actually, you know what? Let's do it."

Ava looked up sharply. "Really?"

Taylor nodded, feeling emboldened. "Yeah, why not? It's been too long since I've just...let loose and had fun."

The brilliant smile that spread across Ava's face made Taylor's heart skip a beat. "That's what I'm talking about! Tonight's gonna be epic."

As they continued working, the dynamic between them felt charged, the air almost crackling with unspoken tension. Taylor kept catching Ava's lingering glances, feeling flustered but also thrilled by the heat behind them.

Later, as Taylor was packing up her things, Ava stopped her with a hand on her arm. "Hey, Tay?"

The casual use of the nickname, combined with Ava's light touch on her bare skin, made Taylor's breath catch. "Yeah?"

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