Chapter 2: Made It

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Ava arrived at the studio, her heart racing with anticipation. The moment she stepped inside, she spotted Taylor waiting for her, looking as approachable and friendly as Ava had hoped. Ava's outfit choice was a smart move as Taylor herself opted out for a casual and comfortable look.

"Hi, I'm Taylor," Taylor greeted with a warm smile, extending her hand. She tried not to stare at the 25-year-old too much, but Taylor did have to admit that Ava was exceptionally beautiful. Everything about her was effortlessly cool, including her many tattoos.

Ava couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, taking Taylor's hand as she introduced herself. She was told before that Taylor is humble, but she didn't really know what she was getting herself into.

"What's funny?" Taylor asked, a hint of amusement and slight annoyance in her voice.

"You don't need an introduction," Ava replied, her smile broadening. "Pretty sure there's not a soul who doesn't know who Taylor Swift is."

Taylor's eyes twinkled with humor. "Well, just wanted to make sure. You know, in case you were expecting someone else."

Ava shook her head, still smiling. "Nope, definitely was hoping it'd be you. Can't imagine anyone else I'd rather be meeting right now."

The air between them felt light and easy, sparking with the thrill of new connections. Taylor led Ava into the studio, the initial laughter setting a friendly tone for their collaboration.

"So," Taylor began as they settled in, "I've heard great things about your work. Excited to see what magic we can create together."

Ava felt a flutter of excitement. "Trust me, the feeling is mutual. I've got some ideas that I think you'll love."

Taylor, feeling a bit of excitement, decided to share something personal with Ava before diving into the beats. She took out her notebook filled with lyrics and handed it over to Ava. "I've been working on some lyrics. Tell me what you think and if there are any instrumentals you see that could work with this," she said, a bit shy but eager.

Ava began to read out loud, her voice filled with curiosity. After reading, Ava looked up at Taylor with a playful grin. "These are great! Who's the lucky person?"

Taylor laughed, a bit of blush on her cheeks. Jack told her that Ava was very forward-coming, something Taylor wasn't used to. "It's just... Something that happened, I guess."

Ava, sensing the shy hesitance in Taylor's voice, decided not to press too hard. "I get it, artists and their mysteries," she said, her voice laced with a hint of tease but respectful of the boundary. "These lyrics are vivid, Taylor. I can already hear a slow, haunting melody that could wrap around them, something that echoes the intensity of the emotions you've penned down."

As Ava spoke, her gaze lingered on Taylor a moment longer than necessary, appreciating not just the talent but the person in front of her. There was something about Taylor's vulnerability in sharing her lyrics that Ava found incredibly attractive. It was in the way Taylor's eyes lit up talking about her music, the slight flush of excitement on her cheeks, and the passionate way she articulated her thoughts.

Ava leaned forward, her enthusiasm palpable, "I think a cello could bring out the depth in these words, paired with a piano to highlight the emotional peaks. What do you think?" Her eyes sparkled with a mix of professionalism and a dash of something more personal, a subtle dance between keeping it strictly about the music and acknowledging the growing admiration she felt.

Taylor, taken aback by the insightful suggestion, found herself drawn to Ava's confidence and clarity. "That sounds perfect, actually. I hadn't considered a cello, but now that you mention it, I can almost hear it."

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