Chapter 4: The Breakdown

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"Taylor? Where did you go for the past five minutes? I've been trying to show you this arrangement."

Taylor barely registered Ava's voice as she sat in the studio, her mind replaying Joe's rejection over and over again. Would this happen if she were someone else? Would Joe make love to her if she did anything different?

"Ava, I'm sorry, I just can't do this today," Taylor managed to choke out, the words barely whispering past her lips as tears brimmed in her eyes, making her vision blurry.

Ava's confusion was palpable, her earlier enthusiasm fading into concern as she took in Taylor's distressed state. "Huh? What's wrong?" she asked, her voice soft, filled with worry. The earlier atmosphere of creativity and connection seemed to evaporate, leaving a tense air of uncertainty.

Taylor struggled to find the words, her thoughts a chaotic swirl of emotions. She felt overwhelmed, caught in the storm of her relationship's complexities and now, the unexpected intensity of her feelings in the studio with Ava. It was too much, too fast, and she needed a moment, a break from everything to catch her breath, to understand what she was truly feeling.

"I'm just... It's not a good day. I'm really sorry, Ava," Taylor said, her voice cracking as she tried to convey the turmoil inside her without spilling too much, without revealing the depth of her vulnerability.

Ava stood there for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. Then, with a gentle nod, she said, "Okay, if that's what you need. We can pick this up another time." Her tone was understanding, but the disappointment and confusion were clear in her eyes.

As Ava gathered her things, Taylor couldn't help but feel a pang of regret, watching her go. She wished she could explain, wished she could share the weight of her worries, but fear held her back—fear of opening up, fear of being judged, fear of what these confusing emotions meant for her future.

The door closed softly behind Ava, leaving Taylor alone with her thoughts in the silent studio. Taylor found herself standing in front of the microphone, a sea of emotions churning inside her. She took a deep breath and played an instrumental track that Ava had produced, its haunting melody filling the room, wrapping around her like a gentle embrace.

As the first notes floated through the air, Taylor closed her eyes, letting the music guide her to a place of raw vulnerability. The words began to flow, unscripted and pure, a direct line from her heart to her lips. She sang of loss, of longing, of the confusion and pain that comes with love that's slipping through her fingers. Each word was a drop of her soul, each note a beat of her aching heart.

The melody wove through her emotions, amplifying them, giving them a voice. Taylor's voice cracked with the intensity of what she felt, her body swaying slightly with the rhythm of the music. It was as if she was shedding layers of herself, revealing the depths of her despair and hope, all intertwined in a delicate dance of melody and heartache.

The studio, usually a place of creation and joy, became a sanctuary for her sorrow, a witness to the honesty of her pain. The instrumental track, a piece of Ava's artistry, somehow understood her, supported her, allowing her to express the feelings she couldn't articulate in conversation.

As the song came to an end, Taylor's voice trailed off into a whisper, her heart laid bare in the silence that followed. Tears streamed down her face, and the silent screams that had haunted her grew louder. Before she knew it, she was screaming as she knelt down, one hand on the floor and another clutching the microphone stand, trying to ground herself. She let herself scream as tears flew freely.

"Sorry, Taylor, I left my..." Ava, returning unexpectedly, paused, her words trailing off as she caught sight of Taylor on the ground. Her concern was immediate, her eyes widening in alarm at the sight before her.

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