CHAPTER 6( The demon inside me)

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A tight slap on Eris's face echoed, even if there was no one in the whole room other than her mother and herself still it seems like even the walls and the windows pitied her.
"You see this Augustus didn't I told you this girl is a nuisance for me and this whole house, see just at the age of eighteen she has gotten herself a tag of murderer." Her mother was a beautiful one from outside but the fact that she was her dad's secretary earlier and now his second wife and Eris's step mom made the situation worse.
"I didn't do it I have already told you."Eris said she didn't even bother getting another slap.
" Then why the hell all the evidences points towards you Don't you know how my friends are accusing me of having a murderer as my daughter."
"Dad, are you just gonna listen this time too and you'll just stay there when this lady harass me."
"This lady is your mother Eris."
"In your dreams dad, how many times should I tell you that, this woman here is just your wife who just cares about her so called status and friends. She is nothing but my mom's substitute don't try to make me a part of this shitty drama of yours."
"Behave Eris."
" I am behaving a lot from a very long time but seems like your wife doesn't know the meaning of that word. One more time one more time she tries to involve herself in my life or if she dares to touch me again."
"Then what will you do huh?? Run out of this house." Bethenny said while moving towards Eris.
"Then my very dear mother , I will certainly become that murderer which the world think I am and definitely my first target is gonna be you and your best friends and you know that I mean it and I am not afraid of the consequences too ." Eris said while moving from that room because if she stayed a little long there would definitely have been a birth of a new murderer and for now Ashvielle had a big one wandering without any fear not to mention one more that too a totally reckless one.

"Sir, I have got one more news for you from the forensics."
"What is it Sandra?" Bradford asked while sipping his coffee.
"Candace's left hand's finger nails were all missing, apparently they were pulled out when she was alive." Sandra said while showing a picture to Bradford and Austin.
" Looks like the girl died a brutal death eventually." Everyone sighed.
That's when Austin's phone ranged and it was an unknown number.
" Uhh!! Hello is it Mr Austin Santner speaking?" A girl whispered from the other side, a delicateness and fear together in her voice.
"Yes, may I know who's on the other side?"He kept the phone on speaker all this time.
"I umm this is Christabel, I hope you remember me."
"Ofcourse I do, what happen Christabel is there any problem?"
" No no actually I wanted to tell you something."
"What is it speak up."
"But promise me you won't let it out that I told you anything about Candace."
All of them gave eachother a nod because they knew how important this was for them.
It took five minutes to convince Christabel that nothing of this information can go out or specifically to her mom.
"A week before Candace died or was killed I went to the park with Eris in the evening which is nearby to Candace's dorm and.."
"And Christabel??"
" And we saw her sneaking out of her house even when the doors to her dorm closes at somewhat around six. She was still out in the evening."
"Why didn't you tell this to us earlier?"
"I was scared that the suspicion on Eris will grow from your side but trust me she didn't do anything because at that evening I first dropped Eris at her home and once she is in after seven her mother doesn't allow her to leave."
" What were you doing there both of you?"
"Actually someone pranked us by putting a note in both of our lockers by each other's name we thought it was Benson but he refused so we don't know."
" Thank you so much Christabel this was one important piece of information you are giving us , but we would like to question some more things from you if you'll cooperate."
"I m sorry but I can't come to the police station and besides this I don't know anything I never even talked to her so what's the point." Her voice started trembling
"Okay okay don't be scared I think this much will be enough for this time thank you so much." She hung up before Austin could thank her completely.
"Finally we have atleast got a lead sir did you listen to this and what are you doing on your laptop?"
"I think we found two of the most important clues."
"Why what happened sir?"
" The first day when I encountered Candace's body I knew I have seen the similar case somewhere else." While Bradford continued everyone listened with patience and he pinned something on the board.
"See, two months ago a similar case was reported in Winceton, a town 4 kilometres from Ashvielle.
An unnamed girl, age about fifteen or sixteen years was found dead in an abandoned building and the MO was same , even the fingernails highlight is the one which shows that these two cases might be connected but.."
"But sir??" Austin asked curiously
" The girl was tortured a lot before dying, like her body had a lot of burnt spots and then a lot of her hair were pulled out and the most important thing her mouth was slit open from both of the sides." He hesitated on that last sentence.
"Sir, so you think these cases can be the work of one person like it's just the nails things which is similar." Sandra said while being hesitant.
"I know it's kinda confusing for all of us but we can't leave out any of the possibilities because if it is the same killer then he definitely will change his methods of killing so that we won't be able to find any connections because you know these kind of people are smart enough to not leave any traces behind and who knows what we are behind he can be a serial killer or .."
"Or a psychopath." Sandra completed for Bradford.
"Sandra I want you to go to Winceton this evening to find more about this case and see if we can get any clues about the girl or her whereabouts and me and Austin need to go to Father Thomas's home to check the crime scene once more and since Father Simmons will be in the town by tomorrow evening we need to get new questions for him." Bradford said while having his third cup of coffee.
"Fine sir."
" I just hope in the meantime we are searching for evidences any other girl won't suffer."
"Sir, how about we pass an alert through media for teenage girls so that they will stay alert."
" Like people don't know that the class which always stayed on red alert from the beginning of the time are girls especially that in the teenage years. You think passing one more alert will stop that killer or girls from going out rather it will ensure one more chaos among the media and the society."
" You're right sir so let's just ask the nearby stations to increase the patrol duties."
"That will be much fine for everyone." Bradford said.

Sage, your father I mean our Father will be here tomorrow so what are we doing tonight.
"Don't you worry by the time he was away I have made the plan and tonight is the night to execute it and I'll succeed if you will keep that filthy mouth of yours shut for the meantime."
Okay I m hurt Thank you so much.
" I just hope everything goes how I planned."


"Yes, dad don't worry I'll  be home soon ,I am just fifteen minutes away from the house, don't worry this much I 'll text you after reaching home, yes by by love you." The girl with dark brown hair said while cutting the call with a smile.
"Ohh Mother Mary, in today's generation seeing this kind of love between father and daughter touched the bottom of my heart."
Sage said with a smirk

I just hope you and  your father would have a relationship like this.

"How many times have I told you to not disturb me when I am working."


"What the hell do you want huh?? Why are you blocking me and if you want to talk to yourself just get out of my way."
"Why do people these days are so rude huh."

And she wasn't talking to herself I am here right before her don't you dare insult me.

"What the fuck!! Just get out of my way okay" She said while passing Sage.
" Stop Mariana."
" How how you know my name?"The moment Sage took Mariana's name she frozed on her place and fear gleamed in her dark brown eyes.
"Mariana Smith ,age 21 ,birthday 4 March, Father's name Charlie Smith, mother's name Sarah Smith but unfortunately she is not alive died in a car accident when you were 14 , you are a single child and an only earning option for your father but see now that too is going to be over and your father will be all alone in this world."
Mariana was dumbstruck she couldn't move not even an inch.
In that silence it were only her heartbeat which could be heard.
"Shocked no?? You liked my homework, ofcourse you would have but didn't your father told you to not walk alone in night especially at streets like these and be careful from strangers.
Ahhh, I know he must have told you to be careful from only men he would have never even imagined that a demon can be there on the streets in the skin of a girl.
But my father is not like yours, he always taught me to not even trust your own shadow let alone other people."
" What do you want money? You can have my phone, money everything please leave me. You know my father is all alone he will die if something happens to me ." Mariana was already on her knees by saying this.
" You know what is the reason I have chosen you because you fucking love your father and in return he loves you too,you are just too lucky and I don't know but it's my internal default I hate seeing people have luck and love both on their side when I have neither of them." Sage says while bringing a hammer out of her bag.

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