Chapter 3

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Wearing Chang-hoon's uniform along with a skirt that Gwinam specially went out to buy for her to wear. Chang-hoon quickly cleaned up her wound on her face, trying to make it not as obvious as possible for people to see. After that, the three went out and walked slowly while she walked up further ahead.

"Yah, where is that Jin-su," MyungHwan demanded, as he search around the place.

"How would I know? I just arrived," Chang-hoon defended himself as he hid behind Gwinam who rolled his eyes. He was already having a bad mood and still have to deal with MyungHwan nonsense.

"He is with Mr Lee. I assume you guys might want to do it after school," Hee-young said as she walked towards them before walking away.

"How the hell is she able to see where people are," MyungHwan questioned.

"Maybe if you open your eye's a little bit bigger, you would see that at the science lab, the two are talking at the window there," Gwinam said, pointing at the window where Mr Lee ByeongChan was giving some "advice" to Jin-su.

Hee-young walked to the rooftop for a while, lighting up her cigarette before taking a puff. She looked down where students were running around, playing soccer. Some running to just get to school in time while there are some couples taking a walk before needing to go back to class. Hee-young sighed. Why couldn't she be like them? If she wasn't born in this world, she definitely would be happier.

"Yah, class is starting in 1 min and let me guess, still at the rooftop? Get down here quick," Namra send a voice recording to Hee-young. Hee-young chuckled, that's Namra. She hopped off the table that she was seating on before throwing the cigarette to the dustbin that was somehow over there before walking down.

As she walked down, eyes were looking at her. When the school bell rang, they started to run around, some suddenly forgetting which classroom they were meant to be at, for example, Chang-hoon, he totally forgot that he was in 2-2 not 2-5. There was another time he went to a first year's classroom. There was this one student who accidentally bumped her shoulder, making her being shoved to the wall since he was running damn fast.

"Fucking asshole," She muttered as she held onto the shoulder where it was hurting badly after having it to be hit by the belt. She continued to walk to class where she saw Ms Park already there.

"Hee-young, why are you late?" Ms Park questioned.

"Some fucking asshole went to hit my shoulder, shoving me to the wall. What else? Can someone tell those fucking students to be on time next time or maybe learn how to even say sorry to people," Hee-young grumbled, making the class laughed a bit.

"Language, Hee-young. And sure, I will make sure to report that to the principal," Ms Park said, "Now get going to your seat."

"Gladly," She muttered as she sat next to Namra, fiddling her necklace while Ms Park continued with the class.

<><><TIME SKIPS><><>

"Fucking idiot," Gwinam shouted as he continued to punch Jin-su. Hee-young stood at the side, looking at the scene.

"Yah, you are going to kill him," She said, as she looked at Jin-su, "Let's go. I'm starving."

"You are lucky that Hee-young decides to spare you. If not, I would've killed you," Gwinam said as he went to give a final kick to Jin-su. Hee-young's senses suddenly heighten up as she heard bone cracking and snarls coming from Jin-su. Jin-su looked at the four, looking like he wanted to eat their flesh out. Jin-su gave a growl before charging towards Gwinam. Hee-young quickly kick him away from Gwinam, making Jin-su growl again.

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