Chapter 1

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Four Days before it:

"Hee-young, want to go out with me and the few others? We are planning to have some tteokbokki after school. Want to join?" Suhyeok asked. She looked at him before shaking her head, this has been the thousand or more times that she've rejected in going out with him and the others since they left the gang that Gwinam was in.

"I have dance practice with the coaches. If I skip it, my father probably be fuming mad," Hee-young lied, as she looked at her phone. Suhyeok lightly nodded his head as he watched the girl walk away. Hee-young walked to the rooftop where she lightly closed the door. She light up the cigarette and quickly took a blow.

"You know you should've lock the door," Gwinam said, placing his arm around Hee-young's shoulder, "Heard from Myung-Hwan that you rejected the offer of going out with Suhyeok again. What's the reason this time."

"None of your business," She merely said as she pushed his arm away from hers.

"Don't need to be that cold, princess. After all, you know, we did share some memories with each other," Gwinam said as he moved closer to Hee-young. 

"Those were nothing but a mere memory. Nothing more," Shesaid, seating on the table that were over there. Gwinam chuckled.

"Like you said, a memory. A memory that lasts inside my head," Gwinam said as he sat next to Hee-young playing with her dark brown hair. She groaned loudly, just then Myung-Hwan and Chang-hoon came in.

"That Suhyeok bastard came to me and asked me where was the princess. He thinks I've abducted you or something," Myung-Hwan groaned as he took the cigarette pack from her pocket, lighting up one for himself. Chang-hoon shooked his head.

"Can't blame him that when I left the group with him," Hee-young said quietly.

"Yeah right you left," Chang-hoon scoffed. Hee-young shook her head as she looked at her phone.

"You know after school we can, you know, do something," Gwinam whispered though his whisper was never a whisper.

"Oh I got that location to do it you know. That poor guy's house where he shouldn't have stayed. He caused loads of trouble you know. We can totally you know," Chang-hoon offered.

"Bullshit, I can't. I have training after school," Hee-young said.

"No way, are you avoiding us too," Myung-Hwan said, as though she was abandoning him.

"She has already rejected going out with Suhyeok, who else will she not reject," Gwinam said. Hee-young looked at him and rolled the eye before walking down to the classroom.

"Hee-young, where did you go. I've been looking everywhere for you," Suhyeok said, "I actually thought Gwinam kidnapped you... Is that the smell of smoke." He scrunched his nose a little. She slightly panicked.

"Was just at the rooftop, there were some students that were smoking upstairs, that's why there is a smell of it," Hee-young silently said as she hid the cigarette pack deeper into her pocket. Suhyeok nodded.

"Hey you know, nobody hates you in our class. Don't because of what you did a year ago, you don't talk to people. You already left the gang. Relax, alright," Suhyeok said. Yeah right left the group, She thought. Hee-young slightly nodded her head before walking back to her seat.

<><><Time Skips><><>

Eating the Japanese dish that she are having, Hee-young kept absolutely quiet while eating. After that, she hung around the place as she waited for the time to pass, not wanting to go back home.

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