"Shit shit shit! Thank you, I'll see you later!" I shout, rushing out to the car and practically speeding to the cafe.

When I arrive, Sabrina is just walking out of the cafe. Her face lights up when she sees me.

"Brady!" She smiles. "I almost thought you weren't coming."

I frown. "Sorry, Sab. I got caught up talking with Connor."

She waves me off. "Don't worry about it, Bray."

I raise an eyebrow. "Bray? You just love nicknames, huh?"

She blushes a little bit. "Shut up."

I laugh a little bit, unlocking my car and letting her in. She sits in the passengers seat, taking in how nice my car is.

It's not like... super expensive, but it's a pretty nice car.

"Damn, you weren't kidding when you said well-off. This is a hellcat, Brady!" She sounds amazed.

I shrug, not really sure how to accept the compliment. "Uh... yeah. It's one of the cheaper ones, though."

"That's still a very expensive car, Brady." She deadpans. "I'm impressed."

I smile. "Thank you, I think? Did you not expect me to have a cool car?"

Her eyes widen. "That's not what I meant! Oh gosh, don't think that!"

Her being slightly panicked is a little funny, because she isn't aware that I'm kidding, but I don't want her actually stressing over the interaction.

"Don't worry about it, Sab. I'm kidding." I reply, and she visibly relaxes.

"So... where do you wanna go?" She asks me, and that reminds me of an idea I had on the way here.

"I know this cool spot if you wanna go there? It requires a little walking after we get there, if that's alright." I tell her, and she nods.

"I'm down for anything." She answers, and I turn on my car, starting to drive towards the spot I randomly thought of on the way here.

Truth be told, I'd never taken someone there, but I didn't have much to lose with Sabrina. We didn't really know each other, and it was refreshing to be around someone who didn't act like I had an immense amount of power over them. The power balance I usually experienced with girls who know who I am was not always easy to deal with.

People assume I like having girls obsessed with me, and while it's an ego-booster, sometimes they literally say they'd die for me, which is insane because I wouldn't even do something slightly unpleasant for them... which sounds bad, but they're complete strangers to me.

With Sabrina it's different, because she doesn't worship me. I'm not sure if she's active on social media, but she can't be too present because she has no idea who I am. Even if she doesn't, I'm surprised a friend of hers hasn't said anything. The amount of girls our age that beg me for a chance is quite insane.

And I'm not even that popular yet... I can't imagine what will happen if I continue to get more famous as my life goes on.

I enjoy Sabrina's presence for a reason I can't even decode, and it seems like she enjoys being around me... for the most part. I'm not really sure how I'll go about explaining my career and social media presence to her if we continue to speak, but that's a later problem... probably. No need to stress about stuff I don't need to deal with yet.

When we arrive at the spot, I park the car, and Sabrina gives me a curious look.

"Brady, this is a forest." She points out, and I laugh.

"I know, Sab. Just trust me, okay?" I smile, and she nods.

"Okay, I'm trusting you, Bradley."


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next chapter is the actual hangout from Sabrina's pov 🤭. They become friends pretty quickly but they're in denial for a while so... be ready for that !

Kalani & Connor moments are so fun to write I can't wait to start their fic once this one is done!

Thank you all so so much for reading and I love you all so much!

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