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With enthusiasm, Hermione dived into her school books every available moment, the moments between seemingly growing the closer to term starting as Ursula slowly increased the variety of tasks she expected Hermione to finish during the day whenever Regulus strayed away from home, distracted by something.


Figuring out that something Hermione did not, beyond "something to do with his job or research," from her stepmother, who in turn lay into Ethel the moment her daughter suggested Regulus, in reality, simply wanted to avoid the home altogether.

"There is some truth to what she suggested," Hermione thought, double-checking her trunk and what she'd packed into there. "But he's always been scatterer-brained, not noticing what's around him. And he interacts better with Ursula when he's focused on work, with no arguments between the two like the day we went to Diagon Alley with grandfather."

A knock came at the door, and she looked up from her trunks, her eyes blinking, her head tilting as she looked at—


"Isn't he adorable?" said the cat.

Or, more of, someone held up a fluffy orange cat by their armpits so the cat obstructed their face, but the cat's flat face made the feline look grumpy, and Hermione laughed. "Dad! What? Why?"

Regulus peeked out from behind the orange fur ball, grinning ear to ear. "You're allowed a—well, I'd forgotten you're allowed and thought to get you an owl so you could write Sybil letters, lots and lots of letters because I doubt you'd want to write Ursula and all."

"Dad," Hermione said, shaking her head. "That's not an owl."

"It's a half-Kneazle!" he said rather proudly, shifting the cat into a more comfortable position as he stepped into the room. "Very smart creatures and cats are an option, better than toads, but once Sybil starts school in a year, an owl is weird, right?"

"Yes, but," Hermione placed her hands on her hips. "How did you go from owls to cats?"

"Because I kept looking for an owl when I remembered you could take a critter to school because I'd forgotten, and thus, we didn't get one on our school trip." He took a deep breath. "Mother, she never let us have anything but an owl, but for some reason, I was still looking for the perfect owl for you when I found him. Isn't Crookshanks amazing? And I found him just in time for him to go on the train with you tomorrow, right?"


"Yes, train."

"Sounds very unmagical."

He let out a laugh. "Hence why it was so controversial when it was suggested, but all the students arriving in various ways, such as riding broomsticks, drew way too much attention from Muggles." He titled his head. "Get a good night's sleep, and I'll take you to Platform 9 3/4 tomorrow, so you get the whole experience. I never got to pass through King's Cross, though I suspect Sirius did after he ran away from home."


"Ursula would rather I do that, given..." He glanced away. "Ethel started throwing a right fit about..."

"I know. She doesn't want to be seen with me," Hermione said. "Not sure that I want to be seen with her either."

"That. Oh! Then this should be so much easier! I'd rather not deal with Ursula, but Sybil..."

"Got it. Sybil won't be with us either," Hermione said, slightly disappointed. "Is she? I don't know. Threatening dad with divorce and taking Sybil away from him? At least now, I know he hates her, Ursula, but Sybil still makes him smile, almost as if it's something good from something bad." She paused, then said, "Something good from something bad."


"Maybe look at things like that?" Hermione said. "See where we can make something good from a not-so-great situation?" She took a deep breath. "Like with Uncle Sirius?"

"That?" Regulus sighed, the smile fading slightly as he looked out the window. "I guess I could. But be a good girl tomorrow, Hermione."

"You know I will," Hermione said, laughing softly. "I'm always good."

"Good girl," He said, laughing, pleased with her response. He sat on the bed, petting the cat. "So, get a good night's sleep? Sybil is already—perhaps I should give you advice as well?"

"Sybil's mom," Hermione said. "She's not at all concerned regarding how Sybil feels about all of this."

"No," Regulus said. "Sybil just wants to be a family, and I think is starting to see that her mom and I don't get along, but if Ursula had her way, which will never happen..."

"You can't know that."

"Well, there are—things," Regulus said. "Just don't you worry about them? Unless..." He shook his head. "Oi! You're too young for that!"

"You're not making any sense, Papa," Hermione said. "So he does know she might be able to take Sybil away?" Taking a deep breath, she came over and picked up Crookshanks to examine him. "Well, he is certainly a decent chap, isn't he?"

"Yes! A very decent chap!" Regulus pulled her in, kissing her forehead. "Please! Get a good night's sleep, Hermione."

Yet, she couldn't. When she woke, her hair—

"Hermione Jean Granger!" Ursula said. "Are you really planning on going to school with hair like..." She took a deep breath, pointing at her stepdaughter. "Like that?"

"Is it really a problem if nobody knows we're related?" Ethel said, then added, "Oh! Wait. We're not."

"It still may get back..." Ursula changed tune the moment Regulus appeared in the doorway. "Oh! There you are, darling! We're ready to go, and when you..."

"I'll be Apparating to Hogsmeade and walking to Hogwarts the moment I drop Hermione off," Regulus said, straightening out his tie.

"In those Muggle clothes?"

"I've got a change of clothes."

"We can't go together?" Sybil asked.

"Perhaps next year," Regulus said, reaching out to touch the top of her crowned hair. "And before you ask, I've already sent my things along, Ursula, and they're the things I like."

"Stop being so childish."

"I'm not."

"Hey," Esme said. "We really need to be going. I'd rather not be late."

"Ah, yes," Ursula muttered. "Come, girls." She guided Sybil from the room while Regulus shook his head, taking charge of Hermione's trunk while she focused on Crookshank's wicker basket. She took a deep breath, intending to follow, when Ethel cleared her voice.


"You'd better stay out of my way at school?"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm the better witch, Hermione Granger," Ethel said, her nose twisting slightly from disgust. "You shouldn't even be attending, but lest you've any ideas, my friends and I will make sure that you know your place."

"Excuse me?"

"Don't forget you're a servant in this house," Ethel said, glancing at the door. "So all I'm doing is taking my servant with me to Hogwarts."


"Hermione?" her father called out from the hallway. "We really should be going!"

"You could tell him you changed your mind and don't want to go, you know," Ethel said as Hermione shook her head, hurrying into the hallway.

"What was that about?" Regulus asked.

"I don't think Ethel and I will get along at school."

"I see." Regulus let out a short hum. "Does anybody get along with Ethel?" His eyes blinked, his breath sucking in. "I should have said that. Don't tell Ursula I said that."

"I won't," Hermione said, glancing back at the door, knowing if Ethel overheard, that word would get back to her. "Ethel might have heard, though."

"Oh. Lovely. We'll deal with that when the time comes."

Cinders and Magic (Harry Potter/Worst Witch Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now