Slytherin Dorms

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The long trek to the dorm room started, and the first-years, those left behind with the Slytherin prefect, started whispering among themselves, but Ethel and Pansy did nothing to hide their conversation from Hermione.

"Did you see your sister go off with Percy Weasley?" Pansy asked, starting the conversation.

"Eww, yes," Ethel's nose wrinkled.

"Your mother is going to have a fit that a Weasley boy is interested in your sister," Pansy said.

"I know. She'll be less than thrilled at his inability to control things here."

"You mean you'd lie?" Daphne asked.

Ethel caught sight of one of the prefects looking back at her. "Shush, Daphne, not so loud."

"Because you've already lost points for us," Draco muttered. "But shall I remind you Professor Black is a relative of mine, and you're attempting to cause trouble for him?"

Ethel and Pansy's eyes widened, and the conversation about starting a rumor regarding Esme and Percy ended.

And then, they arrived at the dungeons. Neville swallowed. "I'm never going to remember which way's what?"

"Perhaps you can remember the way to the library?" Hermione asked. "If that's easier, I'm likely to be there. Or you could find a prefect from our house or Professor Black?"

"Ah, yes," Neville said, taking a deep breath as they approached a stone wall where the other students were waiting.

The prefect her father approached stepped forward. "Apologies, but because we're in the red, Professor Black's changed the password."

From the older students came a muttered irritation, but one of the things Hermione heard was, "This wouldn't have happened had she simply respected Professor Black in the first place, regardless of him being her stepfather."

"I wonder what it's like at home?"

"Yes, well, he's at school most of the year, so obviously that mother of hers..."

Ethel's eyes widened, her ear tips going red yet again. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Daphne stepped away from her and Pansy, swallowing, almost as if—

"The Greengrass girls were always about being polite and respectful when they were over," Hermione thought. "This is a bit much, I guess?"

The prefect said the password. "Duran Duran."

"Wait. Is that one Duran or two?" a student asked as the wall opened, revealing the common room.

"We'll know when they put the password on the board tomorrow."

Hermione and the other first-years followed the older students in, having arrived last with the prefects. The room—

"Papa lived here while he was at school?" Hermione thought. "The place doesn't feel at all welcoming."

The appearance of a bioluminescent glow drew her over to the window at the far end of the long room, drawing her over past the older students who lingered in front of the fire that warmed only a tiny portion of the room. Her mouth opened, awed at the sight of a fish going by.

"We're, uh, under the lake?" Neville asked, having followed her.

"It does make for..."

"Of course, we're under the lake," Ethel says. "But that goes to show..."

"Hey!" the prefect she interrupted said. "You really need to learn some manners."

"Me," Ethel said. "I'll have you know I'm perfectly well-behaved." The prefect gave her a dirty look. "Well, normally. Today wasn't a normal circumstance."

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