Chapter 2

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 "First stop Wisconsin! The cheese capital of the United States." Basically, the game plan is to start by venturing down from Upper Michigan down to Florida while maybe seeing lots of states on the way. I'm going to finish what we couldn't Mom and Dad.

I drove for hours until I made it to Madison. I decided to tour the city a little bit while also getting gas and food. I paid for parking and then decided to walk around for a little while. As I was walking through the streets something disgusting was wafting through the air. What is that gross smell? It smells like cigars. 

As I turned the corner an older guy was leaning against the wall there smoking. "Sorry," I said, then continued walking but something grabbed my arm. I turned around and the old guy was holding onto my wrist. "May I help you?" I asked as I struggled to release my arm from his grasp. "I know quite a few ways you could help me," he said as he scanned my body. I shivered and tried to remove my arm again to no avail. 

"Let go," I shouted. "Mmm, I like them feisty," he said, licking his lips. "Help me!" I yelled, "Get off me you creep!" Then someone came and punched the guy. He fell to the ground, his face bleeding, and with a swollen nose. I gagged. 

My savior turned to me and said, "Wait, here." He went up to the guy and shouted at him. Sick pervert. I shivered as I had the urge to shower off all of the disgusting germs from that man off me. My savior let go of the old man and he ran off as fast as he could. "Are you alright?" the guy who saved me asked. I couldn't see what he looked like before but he was handsome. "Yes, just a bit nauseous. Don't do well with blood." I shivered. Glass, blood, sirens. "Sorry to hear that but you're alright otherwise, right?" "Yeah" "Good. I'm Jude," he said, shaking my hand. Jude had dark, thick curls atop his head and dark skin. He was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt. His most impressive feature was his green eyes. They stood out among his dark features. "Stephanie" "Nice to meet you, Stephanie. Are you sure you're okay? You look a little pale." "I'm fine. I'm just gonna go get some food." "I know the perfect place! They have the best burgers! My treat." How could I say no to free food? First I had to make sure he wasn't like that old man. "You're not gonna kidnap me are you?" "No?" "How do I know for sure?" "I have no fucking clue. Here, call my mom, she'll tell you I am definitely not a kidnapper." "What if she's in on it?" "Well, then you're screwed." I thought for a moment. Finally, I spoke, "I have come to the conclusion that you are not a kidnapper." "What made you reach that conclusion," he asked calmly. "The fact that you saved me from that perv and you offered to let me call your mom." "All excellent points." "Exactly. Now lead the way to the world's best burgers!"


"Culver's, really?" I asked as we walked into the restaurant. "Of course where else?" He smiled at me before going to order his burger. "What do you want?" "I'll get a double cheeseburger with lettuce and ketchup please." " What about a drink?" "Just lemonade, thanks." My Dad's specialty. "So do you live around here?" Jude asked. "Not exactly." "Just traveling then?" "Yeah, something like that." "Cool, by the way, you got a little ketchup right there." He reached across the table and wiped it away with his thumb. My cheeks flushed at his touch. Why does he have to be so cute? My stomach turned. "So how old are you?" "20 in two months," he said, "What about you?" So his birthday is in July. "I'm 18 today." "Oh, well then happy birthday! When are you celebrating?" "I'm not," I said flatly. "Well, why the heck not?" "Who would I celebrate with?" "Your family?" he said with a look of confusion on his face. "My family is dead." Oh no. I cannot cry in a Culver's. For God's sake, Stephanie pull yourself together. "Oh, I'm so sorry." "It's fine." Is it though? the tiny voice in my head whispered. I shook my head to get it out of my head. "Hey, I have an idea. Let's go back to my place and we'll throw a party just me and you." "It's fine Jude I've gone thirteen years without a birthday party. I think I can make it one more year." "Thirteen years!! Okay, now we are definitely going to have a party." Now Stephanie, be good, alright? My Mom's voice flashed through my head. I don't know Mom. "Are you positive you won't kidnap me?" "No, Stephanie. I kidnap pretty girls every day. Of course, I'm not going to kidnap you!" My stomach flipped. He thinks I'm pretty. "If it makes you feel any better you can hit me if you feel unsafe at any point, or tell me if you want to leave," Jude said. "Fine." "Good, now let's go buy you a cake!" 

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