Chapter 1

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    "Steph! Steph! Steeeepppphhhh! Wake up!" 

"Mmmm, five more minutes please?" "You really want to wait five more minutes to get out of here?" Gracie, you have no idea what journey I'm about to go on, so shut up and let me sleep. "Yes, if it means I get more sleep." "Ugh, you're impossible." 

Gracie came to the orphanage when she was 12 years old aka my roommate from hell. She has no idea how much I hate this place, well maybe some idea. I've been here since I was 5 years old after both my parents died in a car crash. I used to blame myself and hate myself for being the only one to survive the crash because it was the one time I forgot to tell my parents to put their seatbelts on, but then I realized, it was not my fault they were grown adults who could think for themselves but still the last thing my mom said was, Now Stephanie, be good, alright? and then screams. 

After the accident, I became half deaf and an orphan. I had no relatives because my parents met in foster care. I eventually got a job and stopped crying over it so that I could escape this place one day. Now that day is here, I am officially 18 years old and legally released from the orphanage. I've bought a car with inheritance money and with my savings for food and gas. "Steph, are you even listening to what I'm saying?" "Mmm, what were you saying? Sorry." "I swear sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a tree," Gracie muttered under her breath about incompetent roommates. Now Stephanie, be good, alright? Ok Mom I get it. "Gracie, I think sometimes you forget that I'm literally half deaf. Where's my hearing aid by the way?" I asked as I jumped out of bed and yawned. 

"I put it on the nightstand with Mr. Shroomington." Ah, Mr. Shroomington, an employee from the adoption agency gave me Mr. Shroomington after my parents died and he has always felt like a friend in disguise. I hugged and cried to him every night about my parents 13 years ago. 

I walk over to the nightstand and put my hearing aid in. I walk to the closet and pack all my clothes, make-up, and the other few belongings I have. 

"Why are you bringing that sweater? It looks like cat puke," Gracie remarked from her bed. It was my Mom's favorite sweater. "Looks like your face," I said and glared at her. Gracie gave me a pouty look. Now Stephanie, be good, alright? Sorry, Mom couldn't help it. 

I grab Mr. Shroomington and put him at the top of the bag and then zip it shut. I head to the kitchen for a quick "breakfast" (It's just a cream cheese bagel and PopTarts). I pop the bagel into the toaster and wait. My eyes wander the kitchen and fall upon a card on the counter near the blender. Crayon written in childish handwriting Good Luck Stephanie! I smiled and laughed to myself at the backward p in my name. The toaster popped and I grabbed the bagel and made my way downstairs. 

I say goodbye to Gracie, reluctantly, and all the other kids and social workers. I walked out the door and tried my best to control my breathing as I looked at the road. I get into my little red car and set all my stuff down. I throw my bag into the backseat and sit there eating my bagel and PopTarts. 

Now Stephanie, be good, alright? 

Don't worry Mom, I'll be good and I'll find a prince charming just like we always talked about and Dad would love him if he were there too. But first, move somewhere I can call home. 

I buckle my seatbelt up really tight and lock it, check my mirrors, and give myself a pep talk. I pull out of the orphanage parking lot and drive away. 

Freedom at long last! 

Don't worry Mom and Dad this won't end like our last road trip did, I promise.

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