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The sun just set, casting a warm glow over the quaint town. The streets were quiet, the only sound being chirping crickets. A nice, serene setting that was peculiar dinner was about to take place. Jasmine, a young woman with a kind heart and a thirst for some adventure. Earlier in the week, she had caught the eye of a mysterious stranger. From what she could gather, his name was 'Victor'. He was unlike anyone she met before, especially in this small town. 

He was tall, dark, and possibly handsome; from what she could see-his eyes were as deep as space itself. This 'Victor' excluded an aura of mystery and danger. Jasmine was like a moth to the flame.  One random, yet fateful evening-Victor approached her. He had noticed her trying to follow him around. He calmly asked her to dinner. Jasmine found herself unable to resist his charms. 

Upon the now autumn night, both sat at a dimly lit table in a secluded corner of a cozy Italian bistro. As they pursued the menu, Jasmine couldn't help but steal glances at Victor. Something about him intrigued her. His pale skin almost glowed in the soft candlelight. Jasmine thought she saw his eyes flash with hunger, which sent shivers down her spine. 

Victor sensed some nervousness. To try and ease her nervousness, his voice became smooth, velvety, that sent a thrill through her veins. "So, Jasmine-tell me about yourself." 

She gulped, trying to drink water. "Oh, umm..." She breathed. "I stream video games, but I also stock meat at a local grocery store. Well, part time of course." 

Victor sipped on some martini, "Ahh, 'video games', like 'Pong'?" 

Jasmine giggled. "'Video Games' have improved since 'Pong'." 

A hour passed as they continued to chat over their pasta like meals. Jasmine found herself opening up to Victor in a way she never had with anyone before. She went on and on about her dreams, aspirations, fears, and insecurities. In turn, Victor shared his tales of his past. Which was a life in the shadows and secrecy. His tone dropped as he spoke of loneliness, and constant thirst that could never be quenched. 

Despite the darkness that lurked in him. Jasmine found herself drawn to him- she couldn't really explain it. While also being unsure if these feelings were real or induced. There was a sadness in his eyes that tugged her heart. A vulnerability he tried so hard to suppress. The night wore on longer, the bistro began emptying. Victor gently took Jasmine's hand. His touch sent a small jolt of electricity through her. She then felt a warm bloom in her chest. 

Victor cleared his throat. "I must tell you something," His voice tinged with a hint of despair. "I am no like other men. I am a Vampire." 

Jasmine's heart skipped a beat, her fear subsided with empathy. She could sense and see the pain both in his voice and eyes. Without a second thought, she moved her chair near him. She then cupped his hands into hers. "Victor..." She cleared her throat. "I don't care what you are. I would like to get to know you more, before anything too serious happens." 

Tears welled in his eyes. He pressed a soft kiss on her hand. Suddenly the walls crumbled, he finally felt seen. While believing Jasmine could see the "real" him. As the night finally drew to a close. Both left the bistro, as they both hoped that their love may endure.  

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