04 | 𝑵𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒓

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After her mother's lecture, Feraye went straight to her room and fell asleep crying.

Looking at the clock on her nightstand, she realised it was eight A.M. and decided she had slept enough. There was a voice in her head that was telling her not to get out of bed, but she ignored it. She wasn't going to sleep all day.

She wanted to know what the next move would be. She wanted to know how they planned to avenge her father. She wanted to know how they would take care of Ilyas.

And, knowing her family, there wasn't a time they did not speak of revenge. Not even in the morning of a funeral.

Feraye chose her clothes for that day and went to take a shower. She had fallen asleep in her clothes from yesterday, too tired to even think about changing.

In a few minutes, Feraye exited the bathroom, dressed in black jeans and a shirt of the same colour. She applied some discrete makeup to hide the circles under her eyes and brushed her hair before going downstairs.

In the courtyard, her mother and brother were sitting at the table, Alp with them. Feraye sat in her usual place, next to her mother, ignoring the surprised glances that had been thrown at her.

"What are you doing here, daughter?" Dilara asked.

"I assume you are talking about what to do with Ilyas. I want to be a part of it."

Alp laughed, earning an ugly glance from Dilara. Only a fool would dare laugh in the presence of her mother only a day after Doğan was killed. And Alp was a fool.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Dilara, but how exactly does Feraye want to help? We all know how she feels for Ilyas."

"I hate him," Feraye said, leaning forwards. "I wish I had killed him yesterday."

"Oh, please! We all know what happened between you two last year."

"Alp," Dilara said, her voice interrupting them. "Do not dare to even think there was something between my daughter and that dog!"

"That dog," Alp said, "killed his master. And what do you do with a dog who turns on his master? You–"

"You kill him," Feraye's brother said.

"Not him," Alp corrected it. "It. Ilyas is the dog that turned on his master."

"For God's sake," Feraye interfered. "Today is my father's funeral. Do we really need to talk about this?"

She hadn't expected to feel this way. To feel guilty. Her father was dead, and they were talking about killing more people.

"Mrs. Dilara!" A bodyguards came running to Feraye's mother, and she wondered what had happened. "The man that Mr. Kazım sent is here."

Feraye's mother rose immediately when hearing the news. "Let him in." She signalled her son to get up, and Feraye did the same. Both followed their mother as she walked forward to meet Kazım's man.

He was in his fortis, with black hair and blue eyes, dressed in a blue suit. Feraye hadn't seen him before, although she had even met Kazım's son. This man had to be one of Kazım's most trusted advisors if he had been sent there. Only those in that position could get close to Kazım. Otherwise, Feraye knew even the man's face was a mystery.

"Mrs. Dilara," the man said. "Please accept my condolences."

Feraye's mother nodded. "Mr. Vural, welcome. Please, sit with us."

They all sat at the table, her mother leaving Vural to stay at the head. Feraye waited to hear what the man had to say. His words were Kazım's, and Kazım's words were the law for people like them.

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