Chapter 8: Tangled in a Web of Lies

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"O, what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive!"

"Countess Aoife!" Eva exclaimed quickly, coming to your rescue. "[Name] here is fine. You know...that thing came,'s extremely bad for her so she just needs to rest for a while," she stuttered out, wringing her hands. It was then that you remembered that she wasn't a good liar. Great. Countess Aoife will now shred you to pieces with her relentless blabbering and questions.

In your previous life, she contributed to your untimely demise greatly. If it hadn't been for her, the princess wouldn't have known that you liked the Duke, which made her angry because she wanted to be the only one who loves him, the only one who'd get him. And if it weren't for Aoife, she (Roisin) wouldn't have been so embarrassed, as she (Aoife) literally told everyone that the princess loved the Duke, but her love was unrequited. That was another reason that led to the Roisin's decision to end you.

And in order to prevent that, you need to ensure that you don't cross paths with the countess again. Now's your chance. But before you could open your mouth, Countess Aoife already beat you to it.

"Oh no! [Name], are you alright? I didn't know you could be in that much pain when that comes. Anyways, we have to find a physician! Oh no, what if you lose too much blood and die?! I can't imagine!" She fretted, quickly checking your temperature and paling. "Oh, dear, her temperature is so high! What should I do...?" Yup, she was clearly overreacting. You needed to put a stop to it, and you need to do it now.

"Countess, I feel fine! I just need to rest for a while..." You quickly explain. "Maybe you, along with Lady Eva, can accompany me?" You asked, ignoring the perplexed looks that Eva shot in your direction.

The countess was...stunned. Now that's a new one. "O-of course! Let's go!" She held onto your left arm as Eva held onto your other one. You leaned onto Countess Eva for support, in an attempt to take her mind off blabbering and focus on supporting your weight instead. It worked, it actually worked! While you certainly weren't heavy, it still required Aoife some energy to hold you up, given her petite frame and lack of labor. It gave you a chance to think about what to say.

Finally, after a few bouts of silence, you started, "Countess Aoife." She looked at you, a flicker of surprise passing through her features from your sudden words. "I've heard from many ladies that you're a great tutor," you begin, inwardly smirking when a blush crept on her face.

"Y-yes, I suppose so," she mutters. "Do you need help with something perhaps?" She asks. You could tell her intentions were pure, and she had no hidden motives behind it. It was true, she loved to gossip--which lead to your death eventually--but she never had ill intentions. But still, it would be better to be more careful around her.

"No, it's fine. We're still focusing on settling down first. Education can come later," you winked at her, while nudging Eva, as a silent urge to repeat whatever you're going to say next. She understood, thankfully. "Oh, but have you heard? Lady Deveraux has been looking for a suitable tutor recently," you told her. It was true, it happened in your past life, and if you remember correctly, it was around the time you first became a noble.

"O-oh yes! I've heard that she fired the previous five tutors for not meeting her expectations! I believe you are a suitable candidate for her!" Eva quickly caught on. However, Countess Aoife still looked skeptical.

"But...what about Lady de Luna?" She queried, furrowing her eyebrows. Oh, no, please! You groan inwardly.

"It's fine! I can always find you when I need help, right? And it seems that Lady Deveraux is in need of someone that actually meets her expectations. That is where you, my friend, come in," you finished. She nodded slowly, her brows unfurrowing. You couldn't help but smile. However, your peace of mind was short-lived.

"I...suppose you're right. But-" she started, but was interrupted by something--or rather, someone. Footsteps sounded from behind the three of you, and you immediately stiffen. Eva's grip on you tightens, probably to prevent you from falling. You mouthed a "thank you" to her, all the while preparing for the worst.

"What's going on?" You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Why here, out of all times? You just wanted to escape from the garden and the noble ladies whom you were tired of, and at the same time, explore this estate for a while with Eva, and hopefully get some answers as to why your father didn't like this family. So why did a simple decision lead to so many complications? First, it was Countess Aoife, and now, it was the Marquess. You just wanted to relax, for goodness' sake.

The three of you waited until the Marquess came face-to-face with the three of you, since it was difficult to turn around.

"What's going on here?" The Marquess of Patrick repeated. You had a feeling the question was directed at you, and you weren't wrong, for when you looked up, his eyes were fixed on you. Thankfully, Countess Aoife came to your rescue.

"As you can see, Marquess, Lady de Luna is feeling unwell," she said, a hint of irritation in her voice. She definitely wasn't happy about the interruption. You could feel his gaze boring into your soul.

"What happened?" He pressed, his expression inscrutable. In your periphery, you could see how Eva's face immediately paled. You wouldn't blame her, as yours almost did too. Almost. After all, she couldn't make up an excuse that the Marquess wouldn't understand. However, it was the safest way. You couldn't tell him the real reason, could you?

"Your Grace, I wasn't feeling too well because...this is my time of the month. I hope you can understand that," you blurted out. You ignored Eva and Aoife's shocked faces, and instead focused on Patrick, who looked...stunned. Okay, maybe you were being too blunt. Oh well, what's done is done. And there's nothing you could do about it.

"I see..." He says slowly, probably letting it all sink in. "In that case, I should call for a physician. To help ease the...pain," he states, while taking long strides towards the three of you. What is he up to? You couldn't help but wonder.

However, you got your answer shortly after, for before your mind can process what was happening, he had already separated you from Aoife and Eva. And...before you knew it, you were in the air. Or rather, in his arms.

Hello! I have a questions for you: Who do you like the most so far (male leads)?

Status: Edited. Please vote!

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