Chapter 5: A Tempest in the Teapot

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"When the tempest rages, when the thunders roar, and the lightnings blaze around us, it is then that the truly brave man stands firm at his post."

"[Na...]" Somewhere in the distance, you heard faint sound of someone calling you, but you weren't really certain because you didn't really hear what they were saying. You tried to open your eyes but they felt as heavy as lead, and your head feels like it's about to burst, so naturally, it took a long time for your senses to come back to you.

"[...ame]" There it goes again, louder this time.

"[Name!]" Ugh, what's wrong with people these days? For their information, you are trying to open your eyes. Can't you have a break? Finally, your eyes open, and you groggily looked around to find yourself in a room with a few other people.

"Thank goodness you're finally awake!" A relieved face came into view, blocking your surroundings, which you have just begun to register. That's right, that face belongs to your beloved brother (note the sarcasm?). You frown at him, still confused as to why you are in your father's room.

If you recall correctly, you were never allowed to step foot into his room, only in his office. This had been the case for as long as you can remember, back when you were still a commoner living in the town. Your father hadn't always been...well, a father. It hadn't always been like this though. At some point in your life, your father had changed. And it had happened long after your mother had died. He became distant and cold, and started spending less time with you and your brother. Instead he focused on improving his reputation and gaining the favor of the royal family, and ultimately, became a viscount. He would receive many promotions after that as well, for contributing so much to the empire.

Sometimes, you hoped that things would be different. That he would care for his family more. That he would focus on his children, and that your relationship with him would be better. But, it was too late to repair things now. He was no longer the loving father you once had, the father who had comforted you when you were sad, the father who had loved his family like no one ever could, the father who tried to raise his two children single-handedly, the father who everyone wished for. No. He was none of that anymore. It would be futile hoping for otherwise, because you knew that he wouldn't change. That he had made up his mind, and it was too late to turn him back into what he once was. Because now, he is the Viscount of Luna, not Cashel, the son of a knight.

Which brings you back to the present. Yikes, the devil himself is glaring daggers at you in the corner of the room, sitting in a large blue (his favorite color) armchair, an irritated expression on his face. Okay, you can tell that he is pissed off. Not a good sign.

"W-what happened?" You awkwardly stutter out, briefly glancing at Frederick, whose face is still merely a few inches away from you.

"You don't remember?" He asked, incredulous. You shook your head. You only remember parts of it. Turning back in time, attending the party, meeting Eva...what happened next?

However, before your brother could answer you, your father stood up from his seat and strode over to the bed you were currently on. As if on cue, the physician--that you didn't notice was currently in the room--gave your father a respectful bow (which he blatantly ignored) and slipped out through the door. You winced as the door clicked in place, glancing up to meet your furious father.

"What do you mean 'what happened'? Do you really not remember? Did I not tell you to refrain from drinking since you were young?" Ohh, so that was what it was about, you thought. Well-

"It would do you no good! Especially since you're a noble lady now! Yes, I know that nobles drink sometimes, but it's only for the occasion! We would never drink until we were drunk! You ruined my reputation back there, young lady! I'm actually surprised that I haven't been stripped of my title yet! You should be ashamed!" He raged, his face turning into a dangerous shade of red. Yikes, you had never seen him this angry before. Well, the only thing you could do now was to try and placate him. Who knows what he'll do if you make him angrier.

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