Chapter 7: Tea Party (II)

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"Don't judge a book by its cover."

Look, it's Lady Eva!" The noble ladies that were chattering around the dining table immediately perked up at that, and rushed to get up to greet your best friend, surrounding her and fighting for her attention, while acting like you didn't exist.

It was only natural, given that Eva was the daughter of a duke while you were nothing but a daughter of a viscount who was just elevated from a commoner status, which meant that you nor your family would be treated seriously anytime soon. It was evident from all the time that you spent, the blood and tears that you had shed just to get them to do the bare minimum of seeing you as a human. One could only imagine how long it took for them to even accept you.

In your past life, you took six whole months to get them to do so. And that was when you were engaged to the duke, and from then on, they started worshipping the ground that you stepped on, all for their ulterior and selfish motives. But it--getting engaged to the duke--wouldn't be happening in this life. You would make sure of it.

However, accepting the reality that nobles only latched themselves onto people of higher status for their own benefits didn't mean you commended it. You hated how people would basically kiss the ground that nobles of a higher status walked on, showering them with praises and inflating their ego, in hopes of gaining their favor.

Well, not that you cared. You wouldn't make the mistake of trying to win them over again. As the saying goes, you never make a same mistake twice. After that, it's a choice. You had a choice. And you were going to choose the right one, for the sake of survival. No matter what.


"My, my. If it isn't Lady [Name]," a voice greeted, pulling you out of your trance. You glanced swiftly to the side, and sure enough, it was the lady you absolutely despised (almost as much as the princess). You would recognize that sickly voice anywhere.

With a fake smile plastered on her face, she smirked, before opening that nonsense-spouting mouth of hers, "Are you adjusting to noble life just yet? No? I thought so. But don't worry, I wouldn't expect anything less. You know, being a commoner after all," she looked you up and down, scorn and disgust laced in her words (and expression), before morphing back into that fake smile. Anyone could tell that she was mocking you.

Well, you've had enough of her little acts. You were used to them anyway. She was always pulling little stunts here and there in your past life, being the princess' sidekick. She contributed greatly to your death. If it hadn't been for her, the notion of hurting you wouldn't even have crossed the princess' mind. You've had enough. It was time to show her who was the boss, so she wouldn't meddle with your plans this time round.

"You must be Lady Bigot...Wait no, Boogers," you say, mirroring her smirk.

"It's Bridget!" She yelled, giving you a death stare before composing herself.

You brushed her words off, continuing, "Anyways, Booger, I don't see your best friend here," you began, peering around the courtyard pretending to look for the princess, while ignoring the way Bridget's eyes narrowed to slits.

"IT'S BRIDGET," she fumed.

"Yeah, I really don't see her. I wonder where she is. I thought the two of you were close. I mean, you were always following the princess around like a dog, so why aren't you now?" Seeing Bridget's expression morph from confusion to fury, you bit back a fit of laughter. No, you weren't quite done. Not yet.

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