Chapter 6: Tea Party

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"Tea is wisdom in a cup, steeped with lessons from the ages. In the silence of tea-drinking, the world opens up, and wisdom flows. Tea is a humble teacher, imparting its wisdom sip by sip. A cup of tea is a fountain of wisdom, nourishing both the mind and the soul."

"WHAT?" You ignored the fact that you could've woken up the entire kingdom with your screeches. The poor maid in front of you might have her eardrums already burst. Oh well, you couldn't help it.

"Are you sure you didn't hear incorrectly?" You demanded, and the maid frantically nodded. Boy, she hoped that you wouldn't scream again.

"Yes, I'm most certain, my Lady," she confirmed once again.

"Wait, so let me get this straight. The Lady of the Duclair family is inviting me to her tea party?" You asked for the umpteenth time. You had to get this straight, as this did not happen in your past life. Why were things changing so fast? You've been back in time for less than a week.

"Yes, she is," she replied instantly.

"I still don't believe it," you deadpanned, "I must be dreaming."

"My Lady, I can assure you, you're not. This is real, don't worry," she repeated.

"So...I won't be confined to the house anymore?" You asked hopefully, and she confirmed it. You had been ever since the incident during the celebration of your family's promotion, since your father was worried about you, for some reason. Thankfully, your father hadn't made you start your tutoring and etiquette lessons, which is a relief, weighing the circumstances. The notion of being tutored wasn't so bad...but Countess Aoife certainly was.

"Have you asked Father yet?" Considering her reaction, most likely not. "It's fine," you sigh. "I'll go to him now." With that, you proceeded to stalk out the door, leaving the maid there gaping at you.

What was up with you these days? You seemed to be shocked that a noble was inviting you to their tea party--your first one, for that matter--but you shouldn't be. She heard from another maid that was from the same part of the town as you--although she lived in the slums while you lived in a better part of the neighborhood, but still in poor conditions--that you were popular with the people, and everyone absolutely adored you. So why did you appear to be so shocked that the Lady Maeve invited you to her tea party? It's basically the same as to how you were treated before, but now on another hierarchical level.


"WHAT?" You flinched, as your father slammed his hand on the table, his voice reverberating through the room. You were currently in his office, informing him of your invitation to the Duclair estate. His reaction was extreme. If you were loud enough to wake up the entire kingdom, he could have woken up the entire universe. Seriously, why did he have to act like this? Speak of the devil. "You will NOT go!" He roars, fixing you with that infamous glare of his that seemed to penetrate right through your soul.


"No buts! That's final! When I said that you could leave the estate, I meant it as in going to town or something as a way of rewinding! Not to attend another party--which will most likely get you...ugh! Especially not the Duclair's!"

You frowned. Just what did he hold against the Duclair family? You didn't know a lot about them, since you didn't encounter them much in your previous life, but you did know that they were rather agreeable people. You did want to go, to thank the Young Marquess...and possibly to gather more information, and of course, more allies. "Father...I-I..." you searched for the right words. "Can I please go to the tea party? I would like to learn more about the other nobles, and interact with them as well. It would be my first tea party, and it may even help me blend in and get used to noble life as well!" You pleaded, sending him puppy eyes again. Your father sighed, rubbing his temples with his thumb, trying not to meet your eyes. Did anyone tell you how much effect your puppy eyes had on him?

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