Chapter 8 - Forgiveness

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AN - Smut


"Um, Tess." Jen gathered her girlfriend's attention in her classroom.

The blonde turned to look at her and a smile instantly grew on her face. "Hey baby!" She clocked Jen's expression and instantly jumped up and headed towards her. "Darling what's wrong?"

"I, uh, I need to ask you for a favour. Um, you don't have to say yes I just, uh yeah."

Tess nodded, holding Jen's hands, encouraging her to continue. "I need a date for my cousin's wedding."

Tess laughed a little, smiling very lightly. "Oh Jen, of course!"

Jen lit up, finally making eye contact with the taller woman. "Really?"

"I'm your girlfriend aren't I?"

Jen surged forward pulling Tess down to kiss her. It was needy, dirty and full of sex.

"Come over tonight. I'll send Sophie to Mollie's for the night." Jen looked up at Tess through her eyelashes.

"Are you sure? I don't want to pressure you."

Jen nodded with a smile as she leaned forward to kiss Tess's neck, making a path up to the spot behind her ear. "I'm sure. Seven o'clock, don't be late." Her voice was raspy and it went right to Tess's core. She placed one last kiss on her girlfriend's neck before Jen pulled back and left the room with a wink.

Tess stood there for a good few moments with her mouth gaping.

Jen on the other hand ran to Mollie's classroom, not seeing her daughter in the corner.

"I just asked Tess to come over and have sex with me."

"That's great mum!" Sophie laughed from the corner, drawing Jen's attention towards her, embarrassed. 

She blushed and grit her teeth, "Oh hey Soph, fancy staying with Mollie tonight?"

"I don't think Mollie lives far enough away." Sophie remarked cheekily.

Jen stuck her tongue out at her daughter. "Oh yes, very mature Jen. And yes I will take your daughter for the night, after you've just traumatised her like that."

The three headed back to Jen's house so that Sophie could pack a bag. Mollie and Jen sat with coffee whilst the brunette tried to calm her best friend down.

"I haven't had sex since we did it! And there were no feelings involved then! What the hell am I supposed to do?!"

Mollie laughed at the memory of the two of them sleeping together about two years ago, both drunk and sexually frustrated. "Look, you know what to do, don't you? It's like riding a bike. And if Tess really loves you she won't care if its pretty bad sex the first time."

"Moll you're not helping. I don't even know what lingerie to wear!"

Mollie sighed and stood up, holding out a hand for Jen to take. She pulled Jen up the stairs and into her bedroom.

"Sit down Morrison."

Mollie opened her best friend's closet and pulled out all three of her robes, an oversized sheer white t-shirt and a red flannel button up. After that, she went to her bedside drawer where she knew that she kept all her 'sexy stuff.'

She pulled out a red lace and black lace set along with a set with ties on the side. She analysed different combinations before pushing the black lace and red flannel towards the blonde.

"Try that on."

Mollie headed down to Sophie's bedroom whilst Jen got changed. Sophie was packed and sitting on her bed, scrolling on her phone.

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