Chapter 2 - The Night Out

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Later when she had finished netball, Sophie showed up, ready to go home. Jen looked up, wiping her tears away quickly.

"Uh, I'm gonna have to take you to Claire's tonight, is that alright?" Jen asked.

"Yeah." Sophie nodded before turning inquisitive. "Can I ask why?"

Jen stuttered, trying to pull an appropriate excuse from somewhere. She couldn't exactly tell her daughter that she was going to a club, or that she had a date cos then she'd ask who and turn all mother like on her.

She finally decided on, "I'm going bowling with some old friends from Uni"

"OK cool."

On the drive back from her mother's, Jen was fretting, eventually calling Mollie when she was home.

"Mollie, help."

"What's going on darl?"

Jen collapsed on her bed. Mollie was the only one who knew everything about her past, having coaxed it all out of her when they got drunk at the end of Jen's first year at Green Hall.

"What are you doing now?"

Mollie truthfully replied. "Absolutely nothing."

"Can you come round? Like stat."

"I'm already on my way."

When Mollie arrived and let herself in with her key, Jen called down from her bedroom, asking her to come straight up.

"Mollie, I'm in such deep shit." Jen was practically crying at this point. "And I don't know what to do. And you've gotta help me, cos I don't want this to happen again, but he's got me and he's blackmailing me and he knows everything. I can't get out of it, and if I don't let him, he's gonna tell everyone."

Mollie hugged her best friend, calming her down as she started to spiral out of control. "Whoa, Jen chill and start from the beginning. Who's blackmailing you?"

"Alex. From school, he asked me out and I said no and then he said that he knows about my cancer, Soph being bi, me being gay, Sophie coming from a rape, about my uncle. And he said that if I don't go out with him he's gonna tell everyone about it all. He's picking me up at eight and taking me to a club."

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!!??!" She exclaimed.

"Can you just help me find something to wear for tonight? There's no time to sort it out now. Can you stay the night?"

Mollie was nearly red with anger. "But he's gonna do god knows what at that club tonight! I won't let you be raped again!"

Jen explained how he was gonna be here in an hour and that wasn't enough time to figure anything out. So they got Jen ready in a short black dress with matching heels and did her make-up all nice. If she was going to go, she might as well try to get a few numbers.

Alex showed up right on time, and Jen got into the convertable hesitantly. But she had to do this.

"Hi Jen." Alex greeted her, smirk on his face.

Jen replied through gritted teeth. "Hi Alex."

"Aww baby. Why so tense? It's gonna be fun." He placed a hand on her thigh and she tensed, gasping quietly. "We're gonna drink and dance, and have some," he slid his hand further up her thigh. "fun. "

They were silent for the rest of the drive before Alex pulled into the parking lot of a club around five minutes from Jen's house.


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