Chapter 6 - The date!

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Jen took a deep breath, looking at herself in the mirror, smoothing down her light hair into the shape she wanted.

"God, you look fine, stop stressing!" Sophie said, wandering into her mother's bedroom and flopping down on the bed.

Jen glanced at the girl through the mirror, seeing the younger girl staring back at her. She looked back at her outfit. "I don't know about this shirt..."

She was wearing a bikini, satin blue but with a tie at the back and ties at the hip. Over the top, she wore a button down, blue and white striped with short sleeves. Along with this were light washed denim shorts.

"I look like I've just stepped straight out of Mamma Mia!" She whined, flopping down beside Sophie.

"You look absolutely gorgeous!" Mollie walked in, tucking her phone into her back pocket.

Jen shot up, confused. "Since when have you been here?"

Mollie and Sophie laughed, and Mollie explained, "Sophie called me and told me you were getting stressed, I've been here for at least three outfit changes from what I could hear!" She laughed again.

"Quit laughing! I really like this girl!" Jen groaned, rolling onto her stomach.

"Well you best get a move on then. She's here." Mollie walked around to the window at the sound of a car pulling into the driveway.

Jen shot up at those words, looking out of the window and beginning to panic.

"Oh my god, what if I do something stupid and embarrass myself?!" She frantically rushed to her mirror and put on her mascara and lip gloss.

The doorbell rang and Sophie ran down the stairs, Mollie telling Jen that she looked fabulous, and helping her with her final touches.

Sophie answered the door, taking in the view of her mother's date. "Whoa, your date is a lucky gal."

Tess smirked, pushing her long blonde hair behind her left ear, putting her sunglasses on top of her head. She wore a pastel pink bikini top and a white mini skirt, curves on show. Sophie enjoyed knowing that her mother would surely faint at the sight of her date. "Aw thanks Soph. Is your mum ready?"

"She's panicking that she doesn't look hot enough." Sophie said casually, before turning and shouting up the stairs. "MUM! TESS IS HERE!!!"

Jen's light footsteps were heard overhead as she came into view down the stairs.

Tess bit her lip at Jen's outfit. "Damn. You clean up nice Morrison!"

Jen reached the bottom of the stairs and locked eyes fully on her date. "Says you!"

Sophie pulled back and handed her mother a beach towel and her phone. "Text me if you aren't coming home! Have fun and be safe kids!" She shouted before pushing her mother out of the door and shutting it.

Jen blushed and Tess smirked, going to open a car door for her date. Jen turns to follow the movement and blushed harder at the action. 

Tess closed the door after Jen had gotten into the passenger seat. She walked around to the drivers side and got in.

"Are you?" Tess asked simply.

Jen looked over, confused. "Am I what?"

Tess smiled, pulling out of the driveway. "Are you coming back tonight?"

Jen spluttered, gulping. "Uh, I, um, I don't, I mean." Tess grinned at the effect she had on the woman, dropping her left hand from the gearstick to Jen's thigh. "I mean, I-I-I don't jump into bed with someone on the first date... I'm not like that."

"Ok baby." Tess winked at Jen in the rear view mirror and squeezed Jen's thigh before moving back to switch gears.

Jen's mouth dropped at the brazen sexuality of the older woman. She had never felt more attracted to someone, but she was apprehensive, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Every relationship that she had in the past ended up wrong in some way but this seemed perfect so far. Tess was beautiful, funny, smart, caring; what could possibly go wrong?

They pulled into the beach car park, taking a vacant parking spot near the beach. Tess got out of the car and walked around to open Jen's car door.

Jen's permanent blush intensified. Tess grabbed her beach bag from the boot and they they walked down to the beach, hand in hand. Jen led them towards the coves. High tide came to within about twenty metres of this place. They found a secluded spot and set up there.

Jen sat down on her beach towel, fully unbuttoning her shirt to reveal her taut stomach. Tess set down next to her, laying back, using a rolled up jacket as a pillow.

"So. Why'd you move here all those years ago?" Tess started.

Jen looked over, shielding her eyes from the sun. "When I came out to my father, he didn't take it well. I was living with them; trying to find a job when you have a seven year old daughter is difficult. My grandmother had always favoured me so when she died, she left me the house. I moved here and found a job without looking back really. I mean, I still talk to my mum but not that often." She explained. "How long have you lived here?"

"Oh it's been about ten years. I used to live in Swansea but then I got fired in budget cuts but here we are. Without that I wouldn't have met you." Tess took a hold of one of Jen's free hands.

Jen smiled. "You big flirt."

"You deserve to be, as I call it, 'wooed'." Tess put air quotes around the last word. "It doesn't seem that you have been in the past."

"Keep up like this and I'm not going home tonight." She muttered under her breath but Tess must have heard because she laughed and said, "Can't wait."

Jen jumped up and shook the sand off her body. "Come on, lets go in the sea."

Tess agreed and stood up, sliding off her mini skirt to reveal matching bikini bottoms. Jen shrugged off her linen shirt and denim shorts and ran towards the sea, Tess chasing her.

Jen squealed at how cold the sea was when Tess ran up behind her and pushed her down.

They swam and messed around in the sea for a bit before Tess started to get cold and they both came back to their little cove, flopping down onto their towels.

Tess rolled over onto her side, propping her head up with her hand, whilst Jen lay on her back. The older woman admired the younger for a few moments before reaching out to brush back a stray strand of hair.

Jen had never felt more connected to anyone (well excluding Sophie, but this is DEFINITELY not the same context) so her breath caught in her throat at the action. Tess's warm brown eyes raked over Jen's relaxed body, before meeting Jen's hazel pools.

"You. Are very very beautiful." Tess smiled lightly as she complimented her very very beautiful date. "Can I kiss you?"

Jen gulped, looking up at the woman hovering over her. "Please do."

Tess leaned in slowly, her left hand resting on Jen's left thigh. Their lips met softly before Jen reached up to cup her hands on Tess's face, which made them both want more from the kiss and each other.

Tess pulled back and asked. "Shall we take this back to my place?"

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