Chapter 5 - They Finally Get Together

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At the end of the day, Jen was sat in Tess's room with Tess and Mollie, and then Mollie announced. "The auditions are starting soon, for the musical. Do you two want to come and watch?"

Jen nodded and Mollie led her and Tess to the hall, getting them seats next to a couple of other teachers.

"Welcome everybody! To our auditions for Mamma Mia! We're happy to have year 10s, 11s and sixth formers here for our production!" Miss Eynon was the drama teacher, and was leading the passionate welcome. "Today we are holding four different auditions: Sophie, Donna, Sam and Sky. For example, If you are hoping for Bill, you would audition for Sam and put Bill as your preferred role. Audition for Donna and put Tanya down as your preferred role."

Forms were passed around by the teachers who were sat at the judging table. There were around fifteen girls and fifteen boys at the auditions.

"Alright, so the auditions for Sam are up first, and then Sophie and then Sky and then Donna. Fill in your form, I've got your names on a list and I'll call you up. When your audition is done, you can sit back down."

The auditions went fairly quickly, and before Jen knew it, it was the Donna auditions. Not many girls were auditioning for Donna, preferring to go for Sophie. However there were about five of the potential Donna's.

The first two, Jen noticed as two of Sophie's close friends, in her form. The next two were year elevens, and the final auditioner, Jen knew very well.

The opening bars of the Winner Takes it All played for the final time. The voice that sung had the auditorium taking in a collective breath. The girl drifted over the notes, belting towards the end, with great stage presence that had most girls kicking themselves, knowing that they were certainly not going to get it now.

"OK guys, callback lists will be posted next week, keep an eye out."

Jen walked up to her daughter, who still had the auditorium staring at her as she descended from the stage.

"Soph. That was incredible." Jen complimented as her daughter hugged her.

She smiled. "Thank you. How are you now? Are you OK?"

Tess headed towards the two as well, making sure not to make it obvious that she and Jen were sort of together. "Yeah I'm ok." Jen bit her lip at Tess's close proximity.

Sophie knew her mother. She watched her mother interact with the Law teacher, and she smiled at the two women.

When Jen was ready to go home, she and Sophie got in the car.

"So what's going on between you and Miss Paron?"

"Um, uh, wh- what do you mean?"

Sophie laughed. "Mum. I can read you like a book."

"There's nothing going on between Tess and I."

First name basis. Sophie noted.

"Why didn't you tell me you were trying out for the musical?" Jen asked.

"I was gonna tell you if I got a part."

Jen smiled and hugged her daughter again. "I'm sure you will, you sound amazing!"

The mother and daughter headed home and sat together in the kitchen sipping at mugs of tea, where Sophie noticed her mother texting Tess again. "PLEASE will you just admit that you two are dating!?"

Jen stuttered. "Well, we're not really." She paused and hoped that would satisfy her daughter, but no, she kept on staring into her soul. "We might have kissed, once or twice? And I think I'm in love with her. And she's really hot, but I'm scared to let myself like her because she might hurt me?"

"ASK HER OUT! OR I WILL DO IT FOR YOU!" Sophie shouted.

"Okay! Okay!" She receded, thumb hovering over the call button, before Sophie pressed it for her and the tone filled the room.

"Hello?" Tess's sweet voice came over the phone. "How can I help?" Jen didn't answer so Tess asked again, slight worry in her voice. "Is everything ok Jen?"

"Yeah, I just need to ask you something."

"Go ahead."

Jen took a deep breath. "You don't have to say yes, and I know it probably sounds really stupid, but after everything that's happened in the last few days, I like you Tess and I'd really like it if you would go out with me?"

"Jen, I'd love to."

The blonde let out a sigh of relief and was smiling from ear to ear.


Sophie took the phone from Jen and said to Tess. "She's in shock that you said yes, she's going to need a few hours to recover. I'll make sure that she texts you to make the plans."

"Thanks Soph." Tess laughed. Jen pressed the end call button and ran around the room screaming. Then she stopped in her tracks. "Oh god, where do I take her?"

"You should take her to the beach."

"What? Why?"

"It's fool proof. You can wear your bikini, show her how hot you are, plus ice cream, and you can go in the sea, mess around a bit, and if you go to the Blue Bay, you can hide in the rocks, hidden from the world. You should text her and ask if she likes the beach."

Jen did.


And Tess replied saying that she loved the beach, Jen asked if she was free on Friday.

Tess said yes.

Jen ran around the whole house screaming again.


Jen had never known a week to crawl by sooooo sllllooowwwlllyyy. But on Thursday, she was buzzing. Alex's trial date had been set and now no one could stop talking about it, except for Jen who couldn't stop talking about her date with Tess that was coming up.

"Mollie, Mollie, Mollie, Mollie, Mollie!" Jen excitedly ran towards Mollie in the staffroom, the two of them in there alone on Friday morning.

Mollie laughed. "Good morning to you too."

"It's my date with Tess tonight!!!"

Mollie smiled and looked over Jen's shoulder to see Tess enter. Jen turned to follow Mollie's gaze to the breath-taking blonde.

"Oh my gosh. Tess, you look so beautiful. No, beautiful doesn't cover it. You're stunning." Jen babbled.

Tess smiled and giggled, Mollie making her way silently out of the room. Tess approached Jen slowly and licked her lower lip.

"And you, my dear, look positively enchanting." Tess reached Jen and lifted a hand to her chin, pulling her closer.

Jen's eyes fluttered closed as their lips met again, feeling weak at the knees with the way that Tess made her feel. 

Eventually they had to part ways for their first lessons, both barely containing their excitement for that evening.

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