Chapter 7.

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Indias POV

I opened my eyes slow as a shooting pain was coming from my lower abdomen. I moved my arms down to get a feel of myself. I felt something wet. I moved my head to look down and I got really dizzy once I seen the blood. "Was I bleeding??" Sure enough my top was covered in blood. I cried out in pain. I didn't know what happened or what to do, but I did know where I was at. I was in The Games pool house. Laid out on the pool table to be exact. I tried moving my legs to the side so I could sit up right but that was impossible. I was in too much pain. I felt lifeless and my body was becoming numb. Suddenly I heard fast paced footsteps coming my way. It was Game. "No no no" I bugged out as I thought it was him that did this to me. He forced duck tape on my mouth and tied me up. He slung me over his shoulder and carried me to his black SUV truck. I couldn't see my surroundings. All I could see was his back or the floor. I squirmed and wiggled but it only made his grip on me tighter. "Was this really happening? Was I really being kidnapped by the man I fell in love with?"


Crystals POV

I paced the living room. It's been 45mins. I know my sister Morgan said to call for back up in 30 but I was really hoping she'd just call me and everything would be ok. "Fail." I couldn't wait any longer and I had a bad feeling in my stomach. I reached for my phone and instead of calling my sister Brooke like I was told too, I called the police. I reported my sisters missing and wallah before you know it I had police on it. *Knock knock knock* I heard at the front door. I got up and threw it open praying it was my big sister but it wasn't. It was a young looking women with soft eyes and she was about 5'5 my height. She flashed me her badge that said Jennifer Jereau and it said FBI on it. Seeing those words made my head spin. I knew things were bad but I knew things were really really bad now. "Where's my sisters?" I asked calmly. She bit her bottom lip and introduced herself as "JJ" and asked if she could come in. I moved aside allowing her to and I closed the door leaning against it.

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