Chapter 6

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Quantico Virginia, FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU)

Derek's POV

"Talk to me mama" I tell Penelope Garcia as I walk into her room and leaned down beside her to get a glimpse at her computer. "What are we looking at." "I don't know" she says as she clicks away on her keyboard. "LA P.D. has contacted us with 2 missing persons report. A India Love Westbrooks and a Morgan Westbrooks." says Garcia. "Hmm, is it a homicide?" I ask as I watch Garcia pull up a picture of India Love. She was beautiful. She looked so innocent. But her eyes, just from a picture I could tell the look in her eyes wasn't happy. She kinda looked hurt. Like a young girl hiding deep emotions. "Um, yes hotness it is" Garcia said with a disappointed face. "Alright, call in the others. Looks like we got another case" I say to her as I grab my coffee and walk out her room. I really hope it's not India that was found dead. I haven't even met the girl but she already had my attention. I walk to the round tabled room and sit in my usual spot as the room filled with the team. Hotch (our chief/team leader) told Garcia to start. She caught them up to where we got. The pictures of the women appeared on our tablets. We had no footage of the crime scene yet as LA P.D. was always slow with this kind of thing.

"What's the behind story Garcia?" asked Reid.
"Well it seems Rapper The Game as they call him" Garcia started
"what's his real name?" JJ butted in.
"Jayceon Taylor" I said answering her.
"Right" Garcia said and continued.
"Apparently muscles, yes I just renamed him."
"Heh" I smirked looking down at what now appeared to be 'The Game' on our tablets
"He has been tied with a handful of criminal activity from Domestic Violence, to Possession of Drugs & weapons, he assaulted 2 cops recently and was about a week ago he was on the most wanted list for the murder of his 1st wife ....but the case was dismissed when the brother of the woman got on the stand to claim her death was an accident and Jayceon magically reappeared in the streets of LA" Garcias voiced trailed off in disbelief

"Paid witness?" JJ said
"Probably" said Reid

"Garcia can you tell us where the homicide is located" asked Rossi

"Yes sir, It's at Jayceons house. In his backyard." she answered him

"Ok so we know who our unsub is, should we take the case?" said Rossi

"Yes. I wanna know more" I said as I got up and grabbed my things. "Wheels up in 30" I told my team and walked out the room.

Everyone looked around at each other.

"Hey, that's my line" said Hotch.

The team laughed to themselves getting up and ready to board their private jet.


sorry this chapter was short. It sucks if you ask me. I'm horrible at doing the briefing lol. Nothing like the show but I tried y'all so bare with me please lol

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