Misty hurt

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Ash:-At least you accepted that your words can hurt me. I pull her closer to me, but we have benefited because of you. Ever since you came, we are benefiting. Come on, tell me what you want today, I will give it to you.

Misty:-I don't want anything from you You have done a lot for me This is nothing I can take any risk for you Because you saved me from Rudy the goon You did this unwanted marriage for me You gave me a family Can't you do this much in return I also have some duty towards you It's not only your duty

Ash:-Oh, today Misty is talking very sensibly,
Misty:-what do you want to say?
Do I never talk sensibly, that's why I get angry at you and you keep saying that my words hurt you?

Ash:-ok forgive me Misty by the way you talk sensibly very little
Misty:-what did you say

Ash:-I start running and she runs after me but she collide with the chair and fall on the ground  I get stuck in her leg and fall on her

Our eyes get lost in each other then
Serena:-misty ash what are you two doing
I quickly get up from her and pick her up too
Ash:-Serena we are just

Clemont:-Serena, why are you interfering in their romance, such a good romantic scene was going on, you spoiled it all, but bro, it should not start in your office, don't you have enough room?

Ash:-What you are saying is not true at all, actually we collided with a chair and fell down

Misty:-yes serena it's nothing like you are thinking and anyway he was making fun of me so i was running to beat him

Clemont:-sister-in-law We are joking, you take it seriously very quickly, I come to the office, I have some work, I meet you later sister in law


After clemont going

Serena:-Both of you tell me the truth what were you doing Ash you are cheating on me
Ash:-no serena
Misty:-Serena for a minute

Serena:-I have not asked you you should not interfere between us you are nobody to interfere between us you married him and you are coming to talk behind our back this is my love stay away from him understood

Misty:-I understood it very well Ash, you should stay away from me as much as possible and if I wanted to take away Ash from you Serena, I would have done it long ago but I have some principles and they forbid me to do so, you just did not trust your friend that much, so it does not matter, I went away from there crying.

Ash:-Misty no what did you do Serena

serena:-whatever I did was absolutely
right Ash she wants you to take me away and I will never let that happen you are my love and this is what will happen to anyone who comes in between

Ash:-She was not doing this, leave it, it is useless for you to explain, wait Misty

Misty crying and went on terrace

She goes and sits on the edge of the terrace of the building and starts crying.

Ash:-I start looking for her and I see her sitting on the edge of the terrace I pull her
Misty what were you doing

If something would have happened to you, do you know what would have happened to me? I don't understand why you feel bad about such a small thing. You are not that weak, are you?

Misty:-I start crying more. Didn't I feel bad about what Serena said? I feel sorry for my fate. Ash, first I didn't have my mom and dad, God took them away, then I had my sister, God took her away too.

I don't have anyone, I don't have anyone, I am alone in this world, no one loves me, no one stays with me, my friend is blaming me that I am snatching away her love.

Leave me, let me go. I have no purpose in living. I will die. I will die. Everyone's life will be filled with happiness. You will be happy in your life. Serena will have no problem with me.

Ash:-i slap her and hug her Don't talk like crazy people if something happens to you then how can you even think that you will die whether someone is with you or not I will always stand by you misty:-how long will you stay our marriage is only for some time after that I will be alone again

Misty:-I don't have anyone I don't have anyone

Ash:-Calm down, calm down, I am with you, I am with you, let's go home now, okay,
but Misty faints, Misty, what happened to you, I will pick her up

Clemont:-Brother what happened why do you look so worried oh no what happened to the sister in law
Ash:-it seems misty has not eaten anything so she felt dizzy by the way I am taking her to the hospital
Clemont:-bro I will also come with you serena:-why will you go you stay here you might be needed in the office let her go her husband is with her right

Ash:-Yes you are absolutely right, I am with my wife and as long as I am there nothing will happen to her bro, I will inform you, okay
I will reach  hospital, doctor, see what happened to my wife,
Doctor proactor:-don't worry, we will see, it seems she had a panic attack that is why she has fainted, it's okay, we can give her an injection, it seems she has kept a lot of stress in her mind,
Ash:-yes doctor, actually some time ago her sister died, after that she got married to me and some goons were after her and today she also had a fight with her friend,
Doctor proactor:- omg there are so many reasons for her getting panic attacks, I think she needs a psychiatrist, it will be better for you Mr. Ash Ketchum that you take your wife to a psychiatrist
Ash:- ok doctor
See you at next part

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