Meeting you again but as a sister in law

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Clemont call Ash
Clemont:-Brother, you know I am so happy that I cannot even express my happiness.
Ash:-Why have you achieved such a great thing that you are so happy?
Clemont :-Oh brother, your brother's marriage has been fixed.
Ash:-Is your marriage fixed and you didn't even tell me anything and how did you go without me to see the girl, did you not think of your brother,
Clemont:-oh brother please forgive me, mom said come let me make you talk to her, the girl here is very beautiful, very cute and anyway all the rituals are going to start in a few days, you should meet my would be wife, I guarantee that you will like her a lot
Ash:-Does that girl have diamonds and pearls attached to her that I will like her brother she is your future wife why do I have to like her or you should like her I like someone else
Clemont:-Have you liked someone else? Brother, who is she there? O
Ash:-h no, there is someone brother, she lives in Japan, she is very beautiful. Okay, leave all this aside and tell me what is the name of my future sister-in-law.
Lana:- Sir, it is time for our meeting. ,
Ash:-Okay, I will come brother, I will talk to you later,
Clemont:-,ok brother
Ash come back in his house
Clemont hug Ash
Ash:-Brother, it looks so beautiful. It doesn't seem like this is our house. So, have  started the rituals?
Clemont:-Oh no brother, now you have to go with mom to my in-laws house and complete the rituals, this brother's brother can do
Ash:-Don't you worry brother,
I am with you
Ash and Delia reach Serena's house and Grace:-you have arrived, you are very welcome who is this Mrs Ketchum
Delia:- this is my elder son Ash
Ash:-, hello aunty my name is Ash Ketchum,
Grace:-it's a very lovely name, son, please come and sit
Ash:-aunty, I want to meet my sister in law,
Serena comes out and her eyes meet,ash Serena gets angry and emotional after seeing him and goes from there to her room
Grace:-I am sorry Mrs Ketchum, actually my daughter is a very shy type,
Delia:-it's okay, it's not been long, she is still a child, she will gradually become sensible,
Ash:-aunty mom, both of you please don't feel bad, but I want to talk to sister in law Clement had said that
you must go, son.
Ash reached at ash room
Ash:-Serena, you are marrying my brother, why did you not even tell me? Serena:-Don't open your mouth, Mr Ash Ketchum, I called you but you refused to even acknowledge me, that's why I decided to get married, but I did not know that you were Clement's brother.
Ash:-What do you think, you are not important to me? Every moment spent with you is important to me. Hey, during the day when I was going home, my phone got broken, the number was erased from my hand, I became helpless in every way, so what could I have done, I searched so much, I couldn't find Misty's number, I would have asked her for your number and then I got so busy in work that I did not even realize what happened, if you ever feel that it is my mistake, then please forgive me.
Serena:-no ash you don't apologize i am so glad that we are back together i held his hand let's go now both of us will tell the truth to our moms that we both love each other and want to get married
I pull him
Ash:-Tears are slowly starting to flow from my eyes. No Serena, I can't do this even if I want to. I love my brother very much. I owe him a lot. I would never want to be with him. And he has liked you, which means his choice is very good. Forgive me Serena. I can't go against my mom and my brother. Please promise me one thing. You will marry my brother and try your best to be happy with him. Promise me.
Serena:-What do you think of me, first you rejected me and then you stay, should I marry your brother whom I don't even love, how can I do this Ash, I have only loved you, I look at his face then I think okay okay I will marry your brother but promise me that you will never let any other girl come into your heart, that place in your life will be only mine, promise me
Ash:-i promise

Serena:-What do you think of me, first you rejected me and then you stay, should I marry your brother whom I don't even love, how can I do this Ash, I have only loved you, I look at his face then I think okay okay I will marry your brother but pro...

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And on the other hand, Rudy forces Misty to marry him but Misty refuses and then Rudy kidnaps Misty.
See you at next part bye

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