A beautiful business woman

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I then wake up in the morning like everyday then I see Misty is not sleeping on the floor then I wonder where did she go now I looked at the time it was only 7:00 then I went downstairs I looked for her in the kitchen I looked for her in the garden but she was nowhere to be found then I went to Clement and Serena
Clemont:-good morning bro
Ash:-yes brother good morning
Clemont :-bro i said good morning to you and you replied to me like this
Ash:-ok sorry good morning just leave me now Serena she is nowhere neither in bathroom nor in kitchen nor in garden and not even in mom's room
Serena:-You are getting so upset as if it's not Misty but someone very close to you who has been lost. Anyway, it's not like you love Misty.
Clemont:-What are you saying Serena, if you don't love sister in law then whom do you love and why are you ruining your and  sister in law's life
Ash:-Brother, I will tell you everything in time, but right now the most important thing is to find Misty, let's go
Ash go towards his mom

Mom, have you seen Misty?
Delia:-No, honey my, I have not seen her. I am also surprised. Where did she go after cooking food so early in the morning?
Ash call misty but she didn't pick up
Ash begins to panic, wondering if something is wrong with Misty.
Ash phone start ringing
Ash cut the call
Again phone ring
Ash cut the call
Them again call ringing
Ash pick up
Ash:-Who are you, what do you want, sir?
Employee:-, I am calling from your office, office and
Ash:-that too much at this time, are you in your mind alright,
Employee:-sir? Please forgive me, I called you at this time, actually sir, Mr. Albert has come from America and he has heard a lot about our company, so he wants to do business with us, so I thought of calling you, but your phone was on silent mode, that's why it was not connecting, then I called Mam and  she was ready, Mrs. Misty asked
you to come to the office
Ash:-is misty in office but she didn't tell me anything i am coming to office now
Misty is in the office bro, you eat comfortably and reach the office by 9:00 am, I am going and will check on her
Clemont:-ok bro
Ash reached office
Ash enter in the cabin
Misty:-thankyou Mr Albert
Ash:-Where were you Misty, I am very happy to meet you Mr. Albert, the owner here is Ash Ketchum,
Ash:- Mr. Ketchum, you were a little late in coming but your wife took care of everything, you have really got a very good and beautiful wife, that's what they say, in our words a beautiful business woman and your wife is a Beauty with brain,
Misty:-Mr Albert, thank you very much for praising me. You think that I am a beauty with brains.ash don't think so.
Ash:- No, no Mr Albert, she is lying.
Albert :-You both are a very cute couple. Misty;-Mr Albert, we are not a couple. Ash:-Now you have to tell Mr Albert the truth about our marriage.
Misty:-No, but anyone can call we are couple, I don't like it.
Albert:-Well, leave all this Mr Ketchum. We are ready to do business with you. Ash:-Thank you so much Mr Albert.
Albert:-And you will see Mr Ketchum, if your wife continues to handle business clients like this, the day is not far when your company will rise from top 100 to top one.
Ash:-thank you, thank you so much Mr Albert, thank you Misty
But you could have called me and told me that you are coming here and you did not even tell me,
Misty:-why should I tell you, now you will question me for going there and anyway I had come to the office only and for your information I would like to tell you that I had left my phone at home that is why I was not able to pick up your call but I informed you, that's it
Ash:-Why do you get angry at every little thing? Look, it is my responsibility to worry about you because you don't consider me a friend, so at least let me fulfill my responsibilities.
Let it go, understand that I don't want to fight with you. Thank you very much. You got us such a big deal. Do you know how much our company will benefit from this? I think after handling a few clients, you will become a top business woman.
Misty:-Really, I can start my own business and leave your house. Thank God, this opportunity is coming soon. It is better that I leave than living with you.
Ash:-Again the same thing,
Misty:- yes Ash I wanted to tell you one thing, actually I told you about that boy who left me and is coming back next month, he called me herself and I told him the whole truth about our marriage, then he said that he has no problem and then he said that we both will start our own business together and then get married, it's such a nice thing isn't it
Ash:-Misty why do you keep telling me these things every time? Have I fallen short in taking care of you or have I committed some crime for which you keep punishing me. Every time you remind me of this, is our marriage a compromise? You have to leave my house. The one you love is going to return. I know I am a human being, I am tired of hearing this. I thought that because of you we got such a great deal. You can celebrate at home
Misty:-. Forgive me Ash, I did not know that my words hurt you. Okay, I promise I will never take this name until the date of ending our marriage comes.
See you at next part bye bye bye

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