Chapter 66: The flight

Start from the beginning

“Hi guys, is there anything you would like to eat or drink.”

“It’s okay though because she got quite a nice ass for an older lady, it’s like two buns in a bag.” Danny continued unaware that the woman was standing here listening into his conversation.

“Uh, I'm sorry about him, can I get a coke and whatever chocolate, ice cream, doughnut’s, sweets, un-“

Someone coughing stopped me from ticking my idea of food of my hands; I turn to glare at Kyle. “Gwen, I think she gets it.” He declared smiling kindly at the woman.

“Soft and firm at the same time, you following me Leon?” Danny finished and everyone was silent as they waited for Leon’s answer.

“Oh, look at these shoes their so cute!” Leon gushed and I frowned when there was rustling of a magazine that I had seen him reading earlier, I guessed that Leon had obviously showed Danny the shoes.

The waitress shook her head and gestured to Kyle with a bright smile. “What can I get you, sir?”

 Kyle was silent as he began to think, “I’ll have a martini please Julie.” He smiled brightly, leaving Julie slightly disorientated. My eyes drifted to her name tag where her name was elegantly printed.

I coughed and winked at her, “He will take it shaken, not stirred.” I giggled at my own joke and looked around when everyone was silent, even tubs didn’t say anything.

“No, Gwen, just no.” Danny tutted his head popping around the waitress butt, he shook his head and waggled his eyebrows while motioning to her butt with his eyes.

God, he is such a pig!

I raised my hands in the air and raised an eyebrow in the air, “What did I do?” I questioned waiting for an answer.

“Nobody but nobody can quote James bond, except from James bond.” The waitress told me and I raised her eyebrow at her.

Did this bitch want to start? Because I don’t care if we are in space or on the ground I will put her head through the floor.

“I’ll have some Oreo’s please.” I told her with a fake smile, she nodded before scribbling it down on her little pad that she should choke on and walked off, ignoring Danny’s calls.

“I think my good looks shocked her too much.” Danny declared running a hand through his curls.

I snorted, “I think it was your charm, it nearly knocked her off her feet.”

Danny turn to look at me, shook his head and clicked his fingers and in a high pitched voice said, “Girl, you got a problem with my face, hmm, see these claws? I will talk you down.” I laughed at his girl voice and lent forward to breathe through the fits of laughter. 

Someone clearing their thought made me straighten up and I turned to look at the waitress who held a tray with Kyle's and I’s order.

I placed it on my lap and stared at the plate with disbelief. “What the hell is this?” I shouted holding the Oreo up to show all my friends.

The waitress looked at it before answering, “An Oreo?” she questioned.

I thought about giving her a round of applause but she raised an eyebrow for me to continue, “It’s an Oreo, as in one Oreo, what happened to the rest? You can’t just have one Oreo you have to have like five or in my case a whole packet in one go. Giving a person one Oreo it’s unthinkable, a silent rule that should not be broken.” I declared with a nod of my head.

Julie sighed and held her pad back up her pen positioned ready to write. “Would you like me to get you some more?” she asked and I shook my head, staring at the Oreo.

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