☆Guess who's backk?☆

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Nobody's POV:

The crew was just chilling in their castle, watching Tv, on their phones, or just talking until they heard the doorbell ring. "That must be the pizza!" Smg4 said as he jumped off the couch, he'd open the door to see....Mr.Puzzles.

"Hello again, Smg4" He smiled as if NOTHING happened. When Smg4 saw Mr.Puzzles, he slammed the door in his face. "Oh hell nah!" he yelled. The others were concerned and confused, it was quiet until Smg3 spoke. "What the hell are you yelling about, 4?" "He's back! Mr.Puzzles is back!" Smg4 panicked. The others were shocked to hear this.

"Uhmm, hello?" Mr.Puzzles said as he was knocked on the door. The crew stayed for a while until Tari broke the silence, "What are we gonna do?" Smg4 sighs before opening the door and going outside, closing the door behind him. Mr.Puzzles backed up as Smg4 did. "What do you want, Mr.Puzzles? I thought we got rid of you for good?" 4 says. Mr.Puzzles seemed to struggle on what to say before speaking, "I'm.....I'm sorry for what I did to you and your crew. I just wanted to make a good tv show, I wanted those 5 star ratings so bad that...I didn't realize what I was doing was wrong. I just wanted to have fun but I guess I went too far."

Smg4 was taken back from the sudden apology, he sighs. "It's okay, I guess." 4 said, feeling uneasy about Mr.Puzzles. "I was...just wondering, can I stay here with you guys since I have no where else to go?" Mr. puzzles said as he was playing with his fingers. 4 was surprised about the question, he didn't know what to say.

"Sure...I guess. But no funny tricks, got it?" 4 letted him stay. Mr.Puzzle's Tv face smiled joyfully, "Great! Thank you so much, I promise not more villian-y things ever again!" Mr.Puzzles said. Smg4 opened the door, leaving it open for him. "So, guys. Wha-" As 4 was gonna speak, 3 noticed Mr.Puzzles and immediately grabbed his bomb that appeared out of nowhere. "WHYTHEFUCKISTHISTVMOTHERFUCKERHERE?!"3 yelled. Mr.Puzzles stayed quiet, expecting that reaction. 

"Woah, woah! 3, calm down! Let me just explain why he's here!" 4 said, standing infront of Mr.Puzzles kind of protecting him. "He's just here to stay! He's redeemed....at least that's what he said. But let's just try to give him a chance, if he ends up betraying us, no more chances!" 4 continued to explain.

The others was silent, "How are we sure if Mr.Puzzles is lying about being redeemed?" Meggy says, holding her ink blaster up at Mr.Puzzles. "Well, we don't know if we just give him a chance. Plus, 3 used to be evil and we gave him a chance" 4 smiled at 3, who looked away embarrassed.

"Shut up!" 3 rolled his eyes. The others looked at each other before Mario spoke, "DILLIGAF, that spells! DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A F-" before Mario could finish, Meggy smacked him. Boopkins ran up and suddenly hugged Mr.Puzzles leg. "Don't worry, Tv guy! I'll give you a chance!" Boopkins smiled.

Mr.Puzzles patted Boopkins head, happy that someone gave him a chance. "Of course you would give him a chance that quickly, Boopkins" Bob was annoyed. 4 noticed that Mr.Puzzle's Tv screen was still broken after what happened, "Soooo, are you okay after what happened?" 4 asked. Mr.Puzzles nods, he then noticed that Luigi was still.....a meat hammer. "Oh..Luigi, do you want me to fix your body or...?" Luigi was happy as he heard the question, he nods.

Mr.Puzzles then used his power (Idk) to turn Luigi back to normal. Luigi then danced around, "Yahoooo!" he celebrated. 3 stared at Mr.Puzzles before sighing. "Fineee, i'll give you a chance. But I still don't trust you!" 3 yelled. "I get why you don't trust me still." Mr.Puzzles seemed to understand.

A few hours later, it was nightime. Everyone was sleeping in their own rooms while Mr.Puzzles was on the couch, he was okay with it since he slept on a couch most of the time instead of a bed...he didn't even know what the fuck a bed was.

"I guess this is a start to something..." Mr.Puzzles said as he fell asleep






Meh hand hurts

(700 words)

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