Chapter 9- The dance

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Once I got to the dance I was amazed at all of the decorations. It was all midnight blue with twinkle lights everywhere. Honestly it was like one of those fairytale weddings I used to see on TV. The rest of the group got there and I quickly rushed to see the girls. We were all literally so excited. Ada was just nervous about the dancing part because she knows she can't dance.

Finally a slowish song came on and the guys pushed Leo to me and he said, " Want to dance?"

I said, " I would love too"

We danced through the whole song and he made me laugh so hard. Once the song was over I looked around and saw Jessica. She was in a bright neon green dress. I pointed in her direction and Leo looked at me and we started laughing so hard.

He said, "She looks like a bacteria''

I looked back at her and she was looking at us then ran over to the football guys. She grabbed Chad by his suit and kissed him. He looked revolted and pushed her away from him. He pushed her right into the nerd, SImon. He smiled and even from over here I could see the food caught in his braces and all this gross stuff just crawling on his face. Before she notice who was behind her he grabbed her hand, spun her around and went to kiss her but instead he fell over. He made a loud screech and everyone looked over. She was disgusted because all the stuff on his face smeared all over her ugly dress. She screamed and jumped up.

He weakly said, " My love help me!"

She said "NO!"

She ran away and he crawled up and went to his nerd friends. We were all laughing at Jessica.

Then Leo said, " Oh man. I feel so bad for Simon. I mean seriously he fell on her."

I said, "I am sure he is not too embarrassed."

Leo said, " Oh no I'm sure he is not. He just had to smell her natural musk,Dog shit."

I started laughing so hard that I fell into Leo. He looked at me then leaned in and kissed me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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