Chapter 6- The Plan

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After school me and Leo make a plan for him to give me a ride on his motorcycle then he will walk in and I will walk in second so it is not suspicious. We meet up in the back when our friends leave. I grab his spare helmet and sit down. I put my arms around his waist and put my head against his back. He smells like firewood and sea salt. I think about how amazing this is as the wind flows through my hair. I feel his leather jacket and my fingers and I dream of him giving it to me. We arrive and he goes in. I stand outside and start pacing. I was stupidly daydreaming when I should have been worrying. What am I going to say? How are they going to react? I mean I know that there have been two other couples but I don't know. This is huge for me. I wring out my fingers then finally work up the courage to go inside. I open the huge doors and take my usual spot. I nervously glance at Adelaide and she gives me a thumbs up and a worried look. I think now or never I look up to Leo.

I say, "Ok guys, we have some big news!"

Adelaide says, " What? Did something happen?"

"No, no, this is happy news. Umm, Leo and I like each other and are going to start dating. We thought we should tell you all together. You guys are the first to know I promise. And nothing is going to change, well except for the obvious change. Am I rambling? I think I am rambling."

"So that is our news!" Leo says.

Adelaide shouted .07 seconds later, "I KNEW IT! YOU GUYS ARE SO PERFECT FOR EACHOTHER! Ah, guys I am so happy for you."

Everyone started talking all at once and saying stuff like I knew this would happen. How long? When? I drowned out the noise and I looked up and met Leo's eyes. I could tell we were both overwhelmed but relieved because our friends are so ok with it.

Hudson says, "Wait, why did you guys go dress shopping when Prom is in April? If you aren't aware of this already, it is February 9."

"We are getting prepared, Hudson." Adelaide says.

Olivier says, " Uh what if you gain pounds by eating too much cheese. My friend's rats gained pounds by doing that."

Adelaide burst out laughing, " Did you seriously just compare us to cheese eating rats."

Everyone starts laughing and I know now that even though me and Leo have changed this won't. Omg does having a boyfriend just make you sappy. I would hate to be around me right now. I sound like a love crazed teenager. I mean I guess I am.

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