Comic book boy

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Life was shit.

I got a 2 day suspension for fighting. In all honesty, it was more like self defense!

I think I was wrongly suspended.

No idea what those kids Ryan and Brendon got. All I knew was I really didn't like them.

On a better note, I did find out why Ryan (a kid I've never spoken to in my life!) threw his food tray on me.


Yeah, that's right. Frank had told him everything, Mikey found out from the other kids and it got back to me, it always would. I was pissed. Who did these kids think they were?! And Frank needed to shut his mouth before they convinced him I wasn't any good for him. They were right, of course. But it definitely wouldn't benefit me at all. Plus, did Frank need to know that? NO!

Frank getting friends couldn't have happened at a worse time for me.

Not to mention my mom was pissed at me now. I was grounded for two weeks.

I was yet to find out who that boy was, I saw Mikey with, but I guess I had two days to figure it out. No school meant I had some time. Mikey was being super secretive and smiling at his phone 24/7, and I was gonna find out who this boy was my brother seemed to be so infatuated with. To be honest, I didn't even know Mikey liked dudes in that kind of way. Maybe it was obvious? I didn't know, last year he liked some chick named Claire, could he be bisexual? No clue. But that was probably the least of concerns. I needed to find out who this boy was.

Speaking of my worries, Frank wasn't answering my calls or texts. This was bad.

I bet Ryan had something to do with this! Spewing some bullshit to Frank about "what he was worth". Convicting Frank he didn't need me.

Ryan was a problem. A threat to what I was doing to Frank. I just needed to convince Frank to drop Ryan and Brendon.

That would be particularly difficult considering the fact Frank won't pick up his phone. Plus my suspension meant I couldn't talk to him at school.

So basically what that meant was, I was fucked, in the worst way possible. Might I add.

On the bright side, another perk of suspension was getting to sleep in, I liked sleeping in. Frank didn't. Not sure why I'm mentioning or even thinking about him right now.

I mean, it wasn't weird or anything. I liked sleeping in. Frank didn't. And since I was on the topic of sleeping in, of course I'd think about Frank. Obviously.

Not to mention he isn't answering me. Maybe that was why his stupid face had been flooding my thoughts recently.

Jesus Christ, why wasn't he answering me?! I mean, I know I've done some wrong. But still! He wasn't answering, and it was all Ryan's fault.

If he would've just minded his stupid business and ran along instead of actually giving a shit about Frank and his pathetic issues, me and Frank would be fine by now.

We all know I would've won him back at the park. We should be hanging out at the swings after school. But nope. Ryan ruined it.

And I was pissed at Frank as well. Who did this prick think he was?! He needed to stop being such a big baby, pick up the phone. And crawl back to me already! Maybe it was the satisfaction I got when I hurt Frank, or maybe it was Frank himself but I knew I missed something.

It could've been Frank himself. Impossible! I only missed hurting him. That was it.

And that's all it would ever be.

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