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I'd like to say sorry for how short this is in advance. SORRY



Tuesday, 3:57pm

After hanging out with Gerard at the park for the majority of the day. I went home around 4pm.

I was exhausted, and the second I got home I threw myself on my bed.

Me and Gerard had been "officially dating" for 2 weeks. It was actually really nice, I didn't know how else to put it.

No one else knew, I didn't know if it was meant to be a secret or, it just hadn't come up with anyone yet.

Truthfully, It's not like I'd mind if it was a secret anyways.

If I was dating me, I'd also keep it a secret.

As long as Gerard was mine, I really didn't seem to care.

I saw Mikey at school, shooting me weird looks. So maybe he did know? It was sorta odd though, sometimes they'd be looks of seemingly, pure hatred. Then some other times they'd be looks of, sympathy.

Mikey was a pretty odd kid.

I was sorta deep in thought. When wasn't I?! when I heard my mother, calling out for me downstairs.

Great. I went downstairs and saw my mother and father, sitting on the couch. This was odd.

There was no possible way this was ending well.

"Frankie, come take a seat" my mother said calmly. Gesturing for me to take a seat across from her and my dad.

I sighed, but obliged. My mom looked like she was about to cry, which confused me. My father looked as emotionless, as always.

My mother let out a deep sigh, "Frankie.." she started. "I-" she paused. What was happening? "There is no easy way for me to say this" she started sadly. I saw the tears form in her eyes. My father grew impatient and lost his temper. Like always. "For gods sake!" He said loudly.

"IM SORRY I CARE ABOUT OUR KIDS FEELINGS!" My mom snapped at him. Raising her voice, that only made my dad more upset. "IM SORRY THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" He screamed back. What was her fault? My mom looked incredibly taken aback. "MY FAULT?!" She screamed. "MY FUCKING FAULT?!" She sounded greatly offended.

"YOUR FAULT!" My father shouted back. "YOUR FUCKING FAULT!" He screamed. My mother started to laugh. What the fuck? "I GUESS ITS MY FAULT YOU WANNA CHEAT WITH A SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL JON!" She shouted angrily.

No. Fucking. Way

I immediately felt my stomach drop the second the words left her mouth. I felt sick.

The room fell silent, I bet you could hear a pin drop, and the air felt a lot thicker than it had before.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth she knew she'd fucked up. It was obvious she wasn't meant to say that. "Fuck!" She shouted in frustration at herself, she began to sob. My father got up to leave. Heading straight for the front door.

"Me and your hag of a mother are getting a divorce." He said coldly, making a point to slam the front door on his way out. Only making my mother start to sob harder. Her shaking hands covering her face.

"It's alright, ma" I tried to reassure her, getting up from my seat and going to sit next to her. "He's slept with her" she said quietly, still sobbing. I didn't reply, and just started rubbing her back. My dad was a piece of shit. I already knew that.

the soul crushing look on his face- FerardWhere stories live. Discover now