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I was now spending the night at Gerard's house, I was happy about it, I really really liked him.

He's actually the only person in years to care about my feelings. Sometimes I feel like he's the only person who gets it. It was honestly very cheesy but he was so nice to me all the time.

He helped me when I was sad and held me when I cried, he gave me compliments out of nowhere, he made me feel important for once in my life.

I really liked him. His mom was super nice, and I had no idea he had a sister. I spoke to Mikey once. He told me to stay away from Gerard... it was a bit too late for that.

He was giving me weird looks the second he saw me walk in. It was probably cause of the fact he told me it wasn't a good idea to be near Gerard.

It was weird, I couldn't stay away from him, even if I tried. Which I did, but for different reasons, and I admit it was wrong and I wouldn't do it again, nor did I want to.

Gerard said he'd be back and he had to shower. He was gone for about 30 minutes before Mikey and Mercedes came in the room with their index fingers to their lips telling me to hush.

I just sat there looking confused until Mikey shut the door and spoke in a whisper, "we need to talk to you Frank" he whispered. I had no idea what I was supposed to do so I just nodded with a confused look on my face.

They sat next to me on Gerard's bed. Mikey on my left and Mercedes on my right, "okay.. hi I'm Mercedes" she said with a smile. We shook hands and I will still confused as hell. "Not now dude we have to hurry" Mikey said. "So we need to talk to you about Gerard" he continued, was this gonna be the same shit he told me last time we spoke about Gerard?

"He's not who you think he is, like at all.." Mercedes started. "He's using you Frank." Mikey said, putting it so bluntly it hurt. "Mikey!" Mercedes whisper yelled. "What?! He needed to know" he whisper yelled back, "not the way to go about it at all!" She argued back. They kept bickering but all I could think about was what they told me.

Using me? For what? I've got nothing Gerard would want. I'm surprised he's dealt with me for so long. "Using me? For what?" I blurted. They both stopped and looked at me before their faces clearly shifted to ones of sympathy. I hated that, I hated it when people felt sorry for me. I didn't need pity, I needed answers.

They looked at me for a bit before I spoke up again, "well? You guys are saying he's using me. For what?" I asked. Mikey took a breath before replying. "He wants to break your heart Frank. That's it, he's not looking for anything other than to hurt you." He said.

I was gonna say something until Gerard walked in. Everyone jumped, "get the fuck out you freaks" he said annoyed. They got up and before Mercedes left she mouthed the words "sorry" to me, Gerard shut the door after them and looked at me confused.

I didn't know what I was meant to say but he spoke up before I did. "What the hell did they want?" Fuck. Was I supposed to tell Gerard the truth? I froze. They said he wants to hurt me, right?! So why would I tell him if that's all he wants. Except I don't know that. Like at all, he's been absolutely nothing but nice to me. So do I return the favor by not being a liar?!

My mind was racing and I froze, until I wasn't. Gerard was looking at me, patently waiting for a reply. "s-sorry? What was it you said?" I managed to stutter out. Smooth. "What did they come in here for? Did they tell you anything?"

"No.. you came in before they could say anything." I lied. I fucking lied to him, gosh why was I such a dumbass. "Oh.. alright" he smiled and seemed to brush it off. God he was so perfect. And I just lied to him?! What the fuck was wrong with me?!

the soul crushing look on his face- FerardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora