Chapter 8

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Roman's POV:

After I dropped Marina home I decided to take time to reflect. I couldn't believe I was falling this hard for a girl I barely know. Like how could I know if this was all an act and she wants money from me, or she deep down hates me. But there's something about her that makes me trust her, she brings me a sense of comfort. That makes me wanna protect her from anything harmful.

I get home and remember I have to make sure that the Kailyn woman from earlier never comes near me or My Marina again. I also think of some questions I want to discuss with my father regarding my wedding.

I set out to my fathers office to speak to him. After taking numerous staircases and turns around our massive home, I come to the most heavily guarded place. My father's office. All the guards standing around don't question my presence and let me through.

I open the two heavy doors and I see my father sitting at his desk, that is centred in the room big enough to be a banquet hall. He's typing away on his computer per usual.

"Dad" I say. He looks up at me briefly for a moment before turning his attention back to his computer.

"What is it?" he speaks back roughly to me. My father always took his anger out on me. If he had a bad day at work I was his target for the rest of the day. It's been going on since I was a little kid, so i've learned to try my best to stay out of his way.

As a kid I never got to go to the park and throw a ball around with my dad. Or sit at home on the couch and watch a football game with him. For fucks sake I barely get his attention. He acts like im non-existent most of the time.

"There was a conflict that took place today when I went to pick up the papers" I announced.

"Roman, I don't have time for your shit get to the point" my father spoke harshly. I inwardly got angry but kept my composure.

"I'll skip the story, but I want someone by the name of Kailyn fired immediately" I ordered. My father chuckled.

"Roman, you could've just wrote her fucking name down and left. Not waste my time like you always do with your nonsense" he spoke back at me.

I felt my stomach drop. I've never understood why he hates me so much. I've always kept my composure when he spoke to me that way, but I can't believe he still thinks he can treat me this way. I'll just send in a paper later.

I decide he doesn't need or deserve a response from me. I make my way out of his office heading back to my bedroom.

Once I get there I decided to take a shower.

Standing in the shower I reflect on how poorly he's treated me my whole life. He doesn't even treat me like i'm his son, he treats me as if i'm a mistake. A mistake he made.

I feel tears that i've held in for god knows how long start to poor down my face. I've never been one to let people see me upset. I hate showing people vulnerability. Even as a child I barely cried. It's always felt humiliating.

I get changed into just some sweatpants and lay down into bed. I still feel my tears pouring and pouring. At a time like this i've never had anyone to talk to. Or vent to.

Marina flickered across my mind. I knew if I called her telling her I needed someone to talk to, she wouldn't judge me. So that's what I did.

I grabbed my phone and contemplated weither to press call or FaceTime. I knew seeing her pretty face would cheer me up so I settled with FaceTime. I didn't click the button before I dried my eyes and made sure I looked like I wasn't crying.

Mine's Only - Roman Reigns Where stories live. Discover now