Chapter 2

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roman's POV:

When i was informed I was getting married, i just stood up and left the room. What the hell did they want from me?

Constant pressure about being next in line to run our mafia, and now all of a sudden they want me to get married.

I don't have the energy to fight them on it so I now guess i'm getting married. To a random woman. I don't even know her name or what she looks like, for all I know she could be one of those spoiled woman who are total brats.

My father also informed me i'll be meeting her at dinner tonight. Great.

A knock on my door takes me out of my thoughts. " What? " i shouted.

My door opened to reveal my mother. " I just wanted to let you know the limbo will be here soon to pick you up to take you to the banquet hall, be ready in 15 " she informs me.

Listen, i love my mother but she can be gaslighted so easily. Especially by my father.

She has learned to think my fathers decision is always right and now just goes along with it. Its kinda sad.

I get up and change into the black suit neatly laid and ironed for me. I then slick my hair back into a neat bun, add some cologne and i'm ready go.

I can't even lie, i'm interested to see who my future wife is.

Marina's POV:

I wake up from my nap with not any sadness inside me anymore, more of a rage.

Whoever this future husband is, i'm gonna make sure he wants a divorce, by the end of our honeymoon.

I slip into my red silk dress and throw on some light makeup. I take a  check im the mirror. damn i look good. My dress hugs my curves perfectly and my makeup brings out my hazel eyes.

I go downstairs to see everyone getting inside the limo. The ride there isn't too bad my parents make small talk but my father was on the phone with with business partners for the most part.

When we get there we all head inside, i look to see security guards roaming and standing the hall.

Theres a small table in the middle of the massive hall, with 2 individuals sitting at it. A man which I recognize to be the leader of the samoan mafia, the woman beside him seems to be his wife.

Where's the son? Pardon me, my "husband".

My father and mother take a seat at the circled table. I look around once more and take a seat beside my mother.

My father and the other man engage in a conversation about business. Same with my mother and the other woman, complementing each others outfits. Typical.

About 5 minutes later, a man walks in. With hair slicked in a bun, beautiful eyes, tall, and so very hot.

He comes at takes a seat at our table. What? That can't be my husband. He's way

I don't even realize everyone at the table is looking at me now. Even him. Well no wonder, i'm practically eye fucking him.

I look up at him again to see him looking intently at me. As if he's trying to see inside me. I look away as i feel my cheeks heat up.

" So you two, introduce yourself. After all you will be getting married soon " his father announces.

We lock eye contact once again.

" I'm Roman " he speaks in a deep husky voice. Oh my lord.

His voice is so...

He moves upwards to shake my hand.

" I-i'm Marina " i stutter out, flustered.

Roman's POV:

Holy shit- She was beautiful. That woman, sitting across from me, thats my wife.

I hadn't even realized i've been staring at her for the past 30 seconds. I see her look away with her cheeks turning a even brighter shade of pink.

I smirk at the effect I have on her. I immediately stop because I don't wanna seem cocky and creepy.

After ordering our food, she excuses herself to the restroom. As she walks away I notice her beautiful curves that her dress display beautifully. She truly is beautiful.

I wanna speak to her.

" I am also gonna go the restroom " i announce my father nods his head once. I leave quickly trying to catch up to her.

She's in heels so she can't get far. I catch up to her and place a hand on her back. She flinches and turns around with a scared look on her face.

She's even more beautiful up close.

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you, I just didn't properly get a chance to introduce myself " I speak.

She looks at me skeptically. Her cheeks flush and a smile comes across her stunning face, which is quickly replaced with a stoic one.

She stares at me intently.

Marina POV:

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you, I just didn't properly get a chance to introduce myself " he tells me. He places a small smile on his face.

What a cutie.

I feel myself becoming shy. That truly was a kind gesture. Maybe he's not that bad?

No. This man is involved with the mafia, he's a terrible person. A murderer.

I replace my look with a serious one.

" Listen to me, i don't want to marry you, your a killer, and a horrible person. I'll make sure you don't want to marry me. You are basically taking my freedom away. " I speak harshly.

That came out a little ruder then it needed too, but I just wanted to get to the point.

A look of hurt comes across his face. I feel my heart twitch. Now i feel bad.

He turns around and walks away mumbling to himself.

I turn the other way and walk to the restroom.

That wasn't very nice, but the truth hurts.

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