Chapter 5

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Marina's POV:

I woke up bright and early to sound of my alarm. I needed to get ready for our brunch together. I threw on minimal makeup with a pear of jeans and beige knitted sweater.

I called Gia to call a Uber to pick me up. When it arrived I could feel the nerves consuming me.

Marina: Good morning Roman! I'm on my way to the cafe!

Roman: Good morning, I'm already here! Got us a booth and everything!

That warmed my heart. How could someone involved with such cruel things show up 15 minutes earlier to a brunch date?

I walked inside the cafe and saw Roman sitting in a booth scrolling on his phone. I walked up to the table. "Roman!" I said to insure him of my presence.

He looked up at me and a must I say, very adorable smile spread across his face. "Hi Marina!" he says walking up to me and wrapping me in a bear hug.

He pulled back and pulled my chair out for me. I sat down, while thanking him. He gave me the menu and I skimmed through all the different types of foods.

In the end I decided to get some pancakes. I know basic, but I love pancakes.

The waitress came to our table and she asked for our order, I could purposely see her eyeing Roman.

"And what do you want?" she asked me in a rude tone.

"Just a chocolate chip pancakes and chocolate milk as a drink" I told her. Roman let out a deep chuckle at my childlike order.

"And what about you handsome?" she asked Roman.

He didn't even look up at her though. "Just scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausages."

She walked away purposely swaying her hips, little for her to know Roman wasn't even staring.

He looked up at me with a warm smile. "So Marina, tell me about yourself" he tells me.

"Umm well, my favourite colour is pink and I used to play tennis? And I love dogs" I cringed at myself. I was horrible at this typa thing.

He gave out a little deep giggle at my way to tell him about me. It eased me to know he wasn't a awkward guy.

"It's okay I'm not good at this typa thing either, actually I'm terrible, haven't been on a date in years" he tells me as if he read my mind.

"Pfffh date in years? I haven't been on a date in my entire life, my father is that strict" I told him truthfully.

A shocked look comes across his face. "W-what? So you've never been in a relationship before?" he asked me surprised.

"No I haven't, I know it's very embarrassing" I admitted, feelings my cheeks growing red.

"No- that's a good thing, I can't even lie. I haven't been in a proper official relationship either, just for fun and stuff" he told me.

I nodded my head understanding. The rest of brunch was spent getting to know eachother and filled with laughter in the air.

"Yeah I know and then- " Roman got cut off by his phone ringing. "I'm so sorry, let me take this, it's my father" he tells me.

I nod my head.

Roman's POV:

My dad told me I had to go get some business papers from a few towns away and that the drive would be about an hour, he told me to leave the cafe in 20 minutes, but I was loving this date way too much to leave just like that.

I hung the phone up to see Marina looking at me, with her beautiful innocent face.

"Marina, im sorry but i have some business to handle so this date is gonna have to cut short" i told her. Her face visibly dropped, and i felt my heart twitch. what the fuck.

"But, you can come with me. Its about a hour drive and i just have to pick up a few documents" i compromised. Her face lit up once again and she gave me the cutest smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

We continued eating our food in peace while making small talk. When we finished, I dropped way more cash then needed on the table and grabbed her hand. We walked out of the cafe heading to my car. I opened the passenger door for her, she thanked me and hopped in.

I saw her connecting her phone to my car, to play music. The ride there was calm and i kept looking over at her to make sure she was still there. This was all too good to be true for me, my arranged marriage may become a better thing for me.

Shes beautiful and respectful. And she was understanding. She listened to me. And what shocks me is she's never been in a relationship before. I wouldn't have expected that, shes far too beautiful.

That technically means she's a virgin? Right? I wanna ask her but its our first date, that would be like dropping a bomb on her. And would make it extremely awkward.

I kept my left hand on the steering wheel while reaching my right one over to grip her thigh. She looked up at me and a smile played on her lips. I could also see her cheeks turning into a bright pink and I smirked at the affect I had on her.

I parked outside of the massive building. "I'll be back soon, and i'll leave the car running" i assured Marina. I placed a soft kiss on her cheek before heading out and locking the car behind me.

Marina's POV:
Oh my lord, he just kissed my cheek. I started giggling after he closed the door cause I just couldn't contain myself. I felt like a schoolgirl who hadn't had her first kiss.

Well I was..but thats beside the point.

I scrolled through TikTok while waiting for him to come back. I placed my phone down when I saw him walking towards the car, with a few papers in his hand.

He was walking pretty fast and I then saw a woman running behind him to catch up.

She was beautiful, tanned skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. It looked like he had forgotten a paper. She handed him the paper, and it looked like he thanked her. He was about to continue walking until she grabbed his hand and pulled him back to her.

She grabbed both sides of his neck and leaned into him. She brought her lips to his.

My heart dropped. That's all I needed to see. I unlocked the car doors, and ran out.

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